Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nilsson News

The big news for this week is that we started on our basement!!!  Garrett's dad came up and helped us rough in our bathroom.  It is a start and that is something to be excited about.  I don't really foresee an end any time soon but that is okay.  This week we have continued the potty training with Eliza.  Some days are better than others but I think for the most part she is getting the hang of it.  It is wonderful only having one in diapers now!
Tomorrow we officially start school again.  We have some fun things planned and I am really looking forward to having a set routine and I think the kids will appreciate it too.  I am thrilled about our chemistry unit we will be studying.  I never really took chemistry so I can't wait to dive in and learn a ton too!  You're never too old to learn.
Mom and Dad came by with 10 dozen ears of corn and I must say it is utterly delicious!  We were able to freeze 33 bags and that will be wonderful since our beans didn't go as far as we'd hoped.  Our nectarines are flourishing and we are feasting upon them every day.  Tomatoes ripened much faster than I can remember and I will probably start canning them this week.  REQUEST FOR JENN:  Please post Scott's aunts tomato soup recipe!!!!  It can no longer be kept a family secret.  I guess I can keep it a secret as long as you share it with me!  I have zucchini coming out my ears like everyone else in our neighborhood and because of that, I've discovered some good recipes to use it up.
Random thing I learned this week at a baby shower:  If you want to know how tall your kids are going to be when they grow up, take their height at three years old and triple it.  That will give you an estimate on how tall they will be.
I'm going to end my random post today with sharing the neat experience Garrett and I had in the temple yesterday.  Our friends, the Winsors (Tara took our family pictures), have not been able to have children of their own and were able to adopt their first son.  They were placed with another baby boy last year and have been working so hard to get the adoption to go through.  It finally went through on Thursday and we attended their sealing in the Salt Lake Temple.  It was so amazing to feel of the spirit there and the power of the sealing.  When we are sealed as couples at marriage I don't think we realize the profound meaning of that, and I was reminded of its significance as I saw this couple and their baby and other son become an eternal family.  Nothing in life compares to those moments found in the temple.  The power there is real and eternal!  The church is so true and it will always be so!

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