Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hart Happenings

T'was a good week! We put our house on the market! Yay! I had a minor panic attack the day after the sign went up when I realized we have no place to go as of now if our house sells. To quote Alex: "we'll figure it out". 
We ended up canning peaches this week, so nice to have boys who are old enough to really help! We picked apples with a friend, and attended two weddings and a funeral. We are gearing up for our pie night tonight with a bunch of friends. We all bring pies and then feast and visit! Awesome!
We got a surprise visit from Mom on Saturday which was the definite highlight of the week. Guys, we seriously have the best mom ever! She didn't get to stay long but I don't think the boys stopped talking long enough to take a breath the whole time she was here. 
Here are a few pics from the week. Love to everyone and hope to see you sometime soon!

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