Sunday, July 3, 2022

Nilsson News

 Life has basically revolved around baby Dane.  We have had family here every week since he was born which has been so helpful.  Garrett went on a work trip to California for several days and mom was able to come and stay during that time.  We enjoyed our first family outing altogether up to Swan Valley for Eliza's fiddle competition.  She played really well and even participated in the tiny fiddle contest where the contestants had to play a song on a fiddle that was almost the size of a tree ornament.  Everyone sounded equally horrible but it was pretty hilarious to watch!

We had Dane's blessing today which was delightful and he barely fit into his blessing outfit.  This boy is putting on the pounds!  We weighed him a week ago and he was 11.3 pounds, having gained 3 pounds since birth.  Today we weighed him and he was 12.15 pounds!  It's no wonder my back feels like it's breaking; it hasn't had a chance to catch up!  He also wore a 3-6 month size outfit yesterday.  He will not look like much of a newborn when you guys get to meet him in a couple of weeks.  We are so excited to see everyone and hang out with the best family ever!