Sunday, June 5, 2022

Nilsson News

 As you all know, our big news was the arrival of Dane Biorn Nilsson.  We are so glad he is here!  After a lot of "false starts," things finally kicked in and labor went fast!  Active labor started around 6:30p.m. and he was born at 8:03 p.m.  The kids are totally enamored with their new brother and it has been nice for life to slow down a bit.  We always love having grandma here and it never ceases to amaze me how clean she can make a space.  No matter how hard I scrub, I never can get it quite as clean!  Garrett has been able to be home which has been a huge blessing.  I just hope my list of daily to-do's hasn't been insanely overwhelming for him and the other kids.

He weighed 8 pounds 11 oz. when he was born and at his one week checkup he was 8 pounds 15 oz.  Grandma says that typically they like to see babies back to their birth weight by two weeks old.  He has it figured out!  He is a very mellow baby that gets plenty of attention and snuggles!  We're not sure that he'll ever learn to walk since he is rarely put down.  Hope all is going well for everyone!