Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hart Happenings

It seems like this was a really short week!
We got to hang out with friends and cousins at the park, have the restoration crews come to start putting our house back together, garden class, a great summer thunderstorm, some yard projects, and then it was Education Week.
I decided to forego the one down in Provo and try the one in Rexburg instead.  SO GLAD I DID!  They have turned it into this amazing family affair with babies welcome in the classes and separate classes for kids 6 and up.  It was so fun to see siblings and cousins walking around up there, having lunch with their parents, and then going back to their classes.  I got this great vision of hosting that every year as the cousins get older, where all the cousins come up and spend time together at the classes and activities while the parents either stay home or come up and join in the fun, going to classes, concerts, tours, and shows.  It would be sooooo great!  So start marking that on your calendars (the last week in July) starting next summer!
Anyway, so much excellent information and spirit there.  It really got me thinking and realigned.
Now we have a Hart reunion this weekend to get ready for.  Hopefully the house gets put to rights before they hordes descend.  Then we gear up for the cousins reunion down in Provo.  Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Hyde Park Highlights

Dad enjoyed his trip to Arizona this week, especially seeing Jenn and Scott in Snowflake. He was glad to see the spot where the Flakes hope to build a house, to go to church with them and have lots of visiting. His work meetings were productive and he was even able to get home in time to go to the production of Pirates of Penzance, compliments of Grandpa and Christi.

It was fun to have Grandpa and Christi here. They are very kind and generous and we had some great conversations, solving many of the world's problems! They always have positive and uplifting things to talk about. They saw many wonderful plays and were uplifted and entertained.

Emma had a preliminary band camp - drill camp, where she instructed students in drill. Next week is the "real" band camp, the 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. band camp, where they put the whole show together. She is feeling overwhelmed and praying that things will come together. There are a great majority of band members who are participating for the first time, so the progress is a bit slower than Emma's comfortable with. I'm sure it will all turn out just fine. Always does!

Our garlic is harvested and we are eating fresh raspberries every day and have had a blackberry or two, as well. Other than that, our garden is behind schedule since we planted so late. But there is hope! We have loads of green tomatoes and our peppers are coming on and there are a thousand blossoms on our cucumber plant. This is surely a tasty time of year!

After watching Joe's videos multiple times, I started thinking about how fun this blog will be to look back on in about 10 years. Thanks for taking time to write and post pictures! It is delightful now and will only become more precious in the coming years.  Have a great week, All!

Nilsson News

Hello all!  We survived our family reunion- barely.  It was fun to gather with Garrett's family.  We played in our backyard (now that our treehouse complex is complete!), fed carrots to the donkeys, went to Bear World (awesome!), and Garrett and the older kids went up to Island Park and Yellowstone.  I stayed home with the two littlest since our donkey is due any day.  I feel like she has been eternally due!  It was fun but very long!  We had people here from Monday to Monday.  I'm glad our gatherings are about three days because then you still want to see each other again when it is all over.
I am still in recovery mode from hosting so many people (thanks to the Harts for giving us a great deal on a sleeper house so everyone didn't have to sleep here!).  I need to jump in and gear up for canning season!  We have already had several meals containing zucchini and we have harvested peppers, tomatoes and one cucumber.  Oh so tasty!  Our watermelon is doing awesome and we have about 10 volleyball sized melons.  Jenn, how big of melons are we supposed to harvest from the plants you gave us?  If anyone needs potatoes please let us know!  We planted 5 lbs of spuds which may not sound like a lot but we will probably harvest around 100 lbs worth!
The kids are ready to start school and get back into a regular routine.  We decided to do some study about eclipses since we will be experiencing one shortly.  So amazing!  I now know why it is such a huge deal!  In Idaho Falls we will be able to witness a total solar eclipse.  The probability of ever witnessing a total eclipse in Idaho Falls again will be 376 years from now!  It will be total mayhem but we invite you all to come!  They are also predicting that this will be the largest traffic disaster in the nation's history but don't let that scare you and join in!  You need the solar glasses to view the partial eclipse which lasts about an hour but for the 2 minutes of totality you can take them off.  I am actually getting super excited for this once in a lifetime event!
Love you all and can't wait to see you!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Flake Fun

This week has been a fun one.  We really enjoyed spending the weekend with Dad "on his way" to Tucson. 

We "transplanted" our goldfish to another tank and they are doing marvelously well.  The rancher who was using the field by our house (he owns the bull) wanted to empty his water tank so we put them in another tank.  They are getting really big and it now looks more like an aquarium or pond than a horse watering tank!

Last night the power went out for about an hour around dusk so we went over to the Packard's and sat on the front porch and chatted.  Good times.  Uncle Bruce is a cowboy poet and spinner of tall tales and he kept us laughing the whole evening.

Our house is completely done and waiting for the right renter.  We have had a handful of applicants but none of them have been stand-out.  We have another showing tonight so we'll see.  Hopefully we'll get it rented by the first of the month.

Well, I better get to work. I hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Oh Baby!

This week has been really fun for me.  Other than very little sleep.  Monday morning I was awakened just before 5am to say we had to get to the hospital.  I wasn't really prepared so I just sat and stared at Lori for a while until my brain cleared up and I started moving aimlessly around trying to look productive.

 Baby Hope arrived at 7:11am on 7/17/17.  I was really hoping she would wait for another 6 minutes, but it wasn't meant to be.  She didn't breath for the first 3 minutes which made us a little nervous, and we are very glad she finally did.  The kids love her and I'm not quite sure how she's going to survive the next few months.

So my job this week was to play with the kids and clean the house.  I must say I did pretty well at both.  We took the kids to swim lessons, went fishing, went to Thanksgiving point to the farm and dinosaur museum, fed the ducks,
and played at the park multiple times.  It was a blast!!  I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go back to work next week.

Lori is feeling much better and it was a lot of fun to have mom, dad, and Emma come down to visit.  Emma said she hasn't seen Moana so Jake and Joy gave her a preview.  I hope you enjoy it.

Little Wessles

I forgot to mention that we visited the Mannings on our way home from Joe's house. It was fun to see their garden growing and their home looking organized and lived in. Wesley was delighted to see us, which made us feel very important! He was so silly, doing all kinds of antics and laughing at himself and us. We sure miss having that little guy close by, but he seemed to remember us and went right to Grandpa. He showed us all of his latest tricks (knowing various body parts, etc.), teased and laughed with me, which made my day! Grandchildren are so great! I'm finding the promise fulfilled to have "joy and rejoicing in [our] posterity." A wonderful blessing. We love them all.

Hyde Park Highlights

The last few days have seemed to go on forever. I definitely wouldn't make a very good hermit. Dad left on Friday for Tucson and Emma left yesterday morning for Utah County, and I've been trying (not very valiantly) to resist the strong temptation to be jealous of both. I would love to have been with Dad in Snowflake for the Pioneer Day activities and with Emma in Springville and American Fork, playing with grandchildren. Alas, I remained behind to tend the animals and the garden. I must admit that I have been quite productive and felt satisfied with my use of time, but I am tired of talking to myself. I didn't know how dull I am to listen to! My new goal is to find something of value and interest every day to talk with others about!

I was just finishing up a birth on Monday when I got the text from Joe about the arrival of little Hope! That was delightful news! About 15 minutes later I got another text - from a second mom in labor. Three babies that day! The last one weighed 10# 5 oz and is as rolly-polly as can be! That was a really wonderful "baby day" and all went well with each birth.

Later in the week I got a call from a mom who was having some bruising and sores in her mouth. I encouraged her to call the doctor and he did some blood work. Her platelet count came back as 0! Really scary! She was in intensive care for three days receiving platelet transfusions and steroid treatments because her spleen was destroying her platelets, for some reason. Needless to say, I won't be doing her birth - except as a doula. I'm just glad she's okay. If I had decided to do bloodwork, I would still be waiting for results. Who knows what would have happened! It was a great blessing that things worked out the way they did. Definitely a tender mercy.

 Dad and I went to Springville to visit little Hope and the rest of the Bellistons. She is a dolly - definitely belongs to the clan! We thought it would be fun to take the kiddos to the splash pad so Joe and Lori could get some rest, so we got everyone ready and took off. Grace and I went to the library while Grandpa took the others to get wet. Well, just as they arrived, the splash pad closed down due to cloudy, rainy weather. Just as Grace and I were leaving the library, the others picked us up. We decided to wait it out by driving around. All four children fell asleep in the car so we kept driving until it was obvious that the splash pad would remain closed. We will have to give it a second chance one of these days!

Thomas went to Insta Care again for his back. Wish we could get to the bottom of that. He's trying to rest and give it a break right now. He and Victoria are kind enough to come keep me company this evening. It will be nice to have someone besides Chester to talk to!

Have a great week, everyone! If you'd like to visit with Grandpa and Christi (or just with me), you are welcome to come here this week. They will arrive Tuesday and stay until Saturday. They have come for the past several years to attend the opera performances. The line up this year is tremendous - Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pirates of Penzance, Madama Butterfly, Music Man, Seussical and Rex (about King Henry VIII). It should be amazing - come if you can!!  Love you all!

Hart Happenings

And the summer rolls on......
  Garden class continues
  The temperatures hovers consistently in the 90s
  Lots of time at the library
  Yard projects
We planted a new willow tree that we are hoping, in time, will take up the entire space in between the driveway.
The boys and I went to the park with a friend where they were introduced to the summertime staple activity of ice blocking.  It was so much fun to watch and they even convinced mom to go down a few times.  I must say that I am pretty good at this activity.
Congratulations to the Springville Bellistons on the new arrival!  We are so excited to meet Hope, even though Peter still thinks her name should be Hulk (what he thought it was originally).  She is adorable and we would love to see more pictures!
We had Ruth and her littlest ones over last night which was fun.  We have been picking raspberries for our neighbors who are out of town and we took Ruth over to show her their patch.  It is mind blowing!  She is determined to acquire starts from them and get her own patch going.  We spent some time enjoying the fire pit after we cleaned out the waterfall/stream portion of the yard.
The boys gave me a slack line for my birthday.  I'm horrible at it.  It makes me laugh so hard when I get on that balancing is impossible.  You should all come and try it!
Life is good and fun.  Love you all!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Manning Moments

Well, things are just pretty great around here. We are loving our home and yard and neighbors!
Nick has become a handyman and has done some pretty awesome repairs around the house. He is also loving the faculty he works with. He has some pretty funny stories when he comes home though. All the teachers are super star people and they sure love to play just as much as they teach. The other day the principle (who is Gerald Lund's son) was calling out to see who was coming for lunch and Nick said he would be there soon. When he got to the classroom for lunch it was set up for plunger wars! They throw plunger heads at the white board that is drawn like a dart board! Oh they are funny!
Wesley gets cuter and smarter each day. He is also more dangerous and gets a few more bonks each day. The other day he discovered Nick's screw that is in his head. He studied it for a while then turned his dad's head to look at the other side and couldn't find one there. Then he looked at my head to see if I had one. Smart boy!
In our spare time we make plans for decorating our house and such. Our garden is growing well which is exciting.
Today we had the sister missionaries over and they were from Georgia and Florida. Both from Thomas's stomping grounds. Wesley really enjoyed their company. We had a new treat that was quite delicious and you all must try soon! Enjoy!
PB&J Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
6 T. brown sugar
1/2 t, baking soda
1 egg
Slow churned style vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
raspberry or strawberry jam

Mix first 4 ingredients. Refrigerate 1 hour. scoop and roll 1/2 T balls and flatten slightly with hand on cookie sheet. Cook 350 for 5-7 minutes. Let cool 2-3 minutes on baking sheet then transfer to cookie rack. Store in freezer until ready to assemble. (About 2 dozen cookies)
Flip cookies over and spoon 1/4 t jam on each one. Put ice cream on half of the cookies. Sandwich another cookie on top and gently press together. Put in freezer until firm and then devour!

Hyde Park Highlights

Happy Birthday to Elise!!!  We are sending subliminal best wishes your way!! We recently drove to the parking lot where you were born (where the hospital used to be) to smell the wonderful Lindon Trees in honor of your birthday. How lucky we were to have you come to our family on that fragrant day!

We are delighted that Buster the Bat was freed from his fireplace hotel. I'm not sure what it is about the Nilssons that they attract bats, but the little guys seem to like their company for some reason! We like their company, too, so I guess we have something in common with bats...  Anyway, we are happy the captive has gone free - and with no injuries to anyone :)

We are also delighted that the Bellistons made it back to Springville in time for the epoch water fight! I wish we could have been there to watch - from an inside, safe spot! I thought of that experience in Relief Society today when we read the scripture in Mosiah 4:26, "... I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath.... and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants." That's exactly what the Lord did for the Bellistons, and will do for all of us - administers to us according to what is important to us. Really? A water fight? It was important to Joe and the children (maybe not so much to Lori?!), so it was important to the Lord to help them get there. I'm always amazed and grateful that our desires are honored by Him. I know it isn't always the case and that sometimes our very righteous desires, for some reason, are not realized. I suppose that's why the tender mercies in the seemingly small experiences are so significant. Anyway, glad you made it home and enjoyed the comradery. Why the flat tire? Don't know. Just get a spare :)

Same old, same old here this week. Work, gardening, meetings, another birth, trying to decide about home improvements, working on getting Emma's math finished. We did get to feed the neighbors chickens and Emma went to Bear Lake and had fun boating. Not much else to tell. We are eating very yummy raspberries from our patch! We'd love to share if you will come visit :)

Dad will be taking off for Tucson this week. Glad I don't have to go! It's hot enough here for me. Have a wonderful week, all! Play some pioneer games - or better yet, come up/down here and we'll play some pioneer games with you (and then we'll eat raspberries)!!

Nilsson News

We have been out of blogland for a few weeks but now we are back.  The house is quiet because everyone is at church and I'm home holding a sick baby Millie.  What better time to post?
July has whizzed by!  Garrett's parents have been here since July 1st escaping the St. George heat and helping us get ready for their big reunion which starts tomorrow.  We have checked off a lot of projects and I guess that is the one good thing about hosting a reunion, you get a lot of things done!  Yesterday we pretty much finished off the treehouse!  Garrett went and got sand at the local sand dune and filled our sandbox.  The swings were hung from the 15' tall beam and now the kids love flying through the sky.  The slide is up and running and the whole place is like a kids adventure station (even for kids 30 yrs. and older!).  Come play sometime!  I may need to text you all a picture of it since I can't seem to post pictures on the blog.
I love the summer and wish it would stick around longer or maybe I just need to figure out how to slow my life down.  The flowers are blooming in our flower beds and we have seen so many swallow tail butterflies.  One got trapped in our sun room area so we rescued it and he let us just hold him and take pictures.  Beautiful!  The garden is growing fantastically!  Our watermelon is loving life (Jenn I will send you a picture of that as well) and so far we are staying on top of the weeds.
I texted you all about our pet bat Buster.  Here's an update:  The evening arrived and Buster was very active and obviously wanting out of his fireplace abode.  I'd looked up some ideas on how to catch a bat and one of the suggestions was to throw a cloth over the bat and then pick him up and take him out.  Garrett slowly opened the door of the fireplace and tossed the cloth on and was so startled when the bat started chattering, he promptly slammed the door!  Bats do make noise just FYI especially when they have been covered with a cloth.  After about 20 minutes and Garrett sweating bullets, the little guy was captured and taken outside.  He flew off and we realized he actually wasn't too small, about a 12" wingspan.  It was quite the event!  I would take bats over mice in the house any day!
We hope all is going well for you and hope to see you soon at the cousin's reunion or at the eclipse!

Monday, July 10, 2017

P.S. Pictures

I love to hear about your doings - especially the miracles! We are grateful for your good lives that allow for those experiences.

Well, I took pictures of our outside work to put on the blog, but they took about 36 hours to get to my email from my phone. So, these are late, but here they are:

A nice, relaxing spot to read...

Dad worked hard to move the rock path in the shade garden!

Happy hydrangeas after the rain!

We just need a few more plants and a chair or bench to complete the shade garden...

Daisies are my favorite summer flower - such a happy site :)

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bear Lake Miracle

We got to spend last weekend up at Bear Lake which was great!  We tried to go to the beach but there wasn't one.  The water is higher than I have ever seen and even at the north beach there was barely a sand enough to put a blanket.  We eventually found a spot and got fried but had lots of fun.  On the way home we received a tender mercy.  So we happen to not have a spare tire for our van and every time we go on a long trip that passes through the middle of nowhere, I get a little anxious and commit to getting that spare tire.  Well, after several trips to the likes of Saint George, Bear Lake, and Arizona, we have been very fortunate and haven't had a flat.  No such luck this time.  However, our flat tire happened to come in the very ideal location of Evanston, Wy.  We pulled into a Maverick to get gas and as we pulled out our tire was completely flat.  The worst part about it was that we had a very important appointment back in Springville in about 2 hours for our annual 4th of July neighborhood water fight that we couldn't miss, and every tire place said it would take about 1.5 hrs to get it fixed.  Luckily Evanston is the tire shop capital of the world and we finally found a place that fixed it up and got us out in about 25 minutes and $15.  We made it back just in time for the 2 and a half hour water fight of the decade.

I believe we received a tender mercy and an answer to prayers of safety.  Out of all the places we could have broken down between Springville and Bear Lake, it happened to be in the most ideal place.  However, maybe we should finally get that spare tire.

Well this week has been fun! we hope everyone had a good 4th of July. we are so glad to live in a free country! we had so much fun when Emma came down to hang out. We went to a slip 'n slide party, talked a lot about Harry Potter, and played corn hole with the Nilssons. we went and gave Emma a tour of BYU Idaho with the Nilssons  in the 98.F weather everyone was sweating and we all agreed it was time to go. we also had a fun time watching the fireworks with emma.  They were spectacular!
We've been working hard in the yard and finished a fire pit and the chicken coop.  The chickens have done a number on the garden in the last few weeks, so we are hoping to get the run finished before too long.
Ian mentioned the heat in the opening paragraph.  Yeah, folks it's hot!!!  Meltingly, suffocatingly so.  And that Idaho wind that keeps things bearable in the summer?  I think it has melted.
I feel like we have been doing a lot of things but not much worthy of note.  Trips to the library, sleeper house stuff, home maintenance repairs, mornings at the farmer's market, and lots of time outside.  Summer is nice.

Dad's Wisdom

Dad just came home and told me a story that Elder Holland told the newly called mission presidents at their recent training meeting. I've heard Dad tell the story twice now, both times with great emotion because of his lifelong focus on trying to recognize and follow the Spirit. Here is the amazing story:

"Elder Holland closed by relating a story—being careful to protect the privacy and anonymity of the participants—of a young man from southern Idaho. One night the young man stormed out of the house and set off to join an infamous motorcycle gang. He succeeded in that resolve and for 20 years became immersed in a culture of temptations yielded to and degradations explored, never contacting his parents, who feared that he was dead.

"Eventually ending up in Southern California, he one day was sitting on the porch of a rented home when he saw two LDS missionaries making their way up the street. With a rush of memory and guilt, regret, and rage, he despised the very sight of them. But he was safe, because he kept all visitors at bay by employing two Doberman pinschers, who viciously charged the gate every moment that anyone came near. The dogs startled the missionaries as they passed by and continued on, our man on the porch laughing at the lovely little drama he had just witnessed, wishing only that the gate hadn’t restrained his two dogs.

"Then, the two elders stopped, looked at each other, conversed a little, likely said a silent prayer, then turned around and approached the gate. The Dobermans on cue charged the gate again, hit it, snarling, frothing, and then stopped in their tracks. They looked at the missionaries, dropped their heads, ambled back to the front steps, and lay down. The man on the porch was speechless as the missionaries opened the gate, walked up the path, and greeted him.

One of the elders said, ‘Are you from this part of California?’ The man said, ‘No. If you want to know, I’m from Pocatello, Idaho.’ There was a pause. ‘That’s interesting,’ the elder said. ‘Do you know the [such-and-such] family in Pocatello?’ With a stunned look, our biker paused and then, in very measured words said, ‘Yeah, I know them. They are my parents.’

‘Well, they’re my parents too,’ the missionary said. ‘God has sent me to invite you to come home.’

"The younger brother had been born after the older boy had left home. The elder brother did not even know of him. 'Mom and Dad have been praying for you every morning and night for 20 years,' the younger brother said. 'They were not sure you were alive, but they knew if you were, that someday you would come back to us.'

"The wayward son invited the two in, and they talked for the rest of the day and some of the night. He did return home, returned to Church activity, and, in March 2015, was married and sealed in the Boise Idaho Temple.

“This is a story of the role of Almighty God, the Savior of the World, and the Holy Ghost involved in the work of the ministry to which we’ve been called. The Holy Ghost prompted those parents to keep praying, to keep believing, to keep trusting. … The Holy Ghost inspired that rebellious boy to come to himself like the prodigal he was and to head for California. … The Holy Ghost influenced that younger son to serve a mission and be willing to accept a call to Southern California. … The Holy Ghost inspired one of my brethren in the Twelve, who was on the assignment desk that Friday, to trust his impression and assign that young man for service not a great distance from his native-born state. The Holy Ghost inspired that mission president to assign that young missionary to that district and that member unit. The Holy Ghost led those missionaries to that street, that day, that hour, with big brother sitting on the porch waiting, and, with Doberman pinschers notwithstanding, the Holy Ghost prompted those two elders to stop, talk, and in spite of their fear, to go back and present their message. …

“And through the elders, the Holy Ghost taught repentance and brought true conversion to one coming back into the fold. The young elder, without realizing it, gave the missionary speech of all time, when he said to his brother, “God has sent me here to invite you to come home.”

Message from Dad: Live worthy to have the Holy Ghost as a companion at all times. Listen to Him. Follow His directions.

...And Loving It

So actually, this week was pretty great.  Tuesday was fun because I got to walk along side the marching band and tell them what to do.  My fave (sarcasm folks, sarcasm).  They sounded pretty good, but their feet were kind of a mess... and that points to me as their visual/marching/movement/drill instructor.  This next week I'll be doing section week, telling them how to do the drill charts and find their spot on the field at any given point.  This isn't super hard to grasp, but when I was organizing how I was going to teach, I realized I didn't actually know a lot of the stuff... like the difference between the two sides of the field... Oh boy.  #adultingishard

Anyway, besides that, I said goodbye to Carter Martindale after the parade and it was very sad.  He'll be serving in Romania Russian speaking and he'll do so good!! He's a pretty awesome kid, even without his afro.  Now our unit for We The People is broken up :( But we all good, because Emma and I are pretty tight until she goes to USU this fall...

Speaking of We The People!!! Our AP government test scores came out and I got a 4!! For those of you who don't know, there is a big 75 question multiple choice section, then four free response essays.  You're given points for the multiple choice, then graded on the essays.  They grade from 1-5, so a four is pretty good if I say so myself.  I may be really really happy about that, considering that we only did about three weeks of actual AP government out of nine months, because we focused on We The People so much.... Go us! the other Emma in my unit also got a four, and I'm going to email Carter today and see what he got (I'm sure it's a five, so our unit is kind of legit).

After saying goodbye to Carter, I went to Idaho and spent a fun day with Elise and Ruth.  I really love my siblings lots, just so ya'll know.  We did lots of fun things and I ate too many sweets and got sick but we all good now.  The boys and I had fun listening to Harry Potter on the way to BYUI to look around at the grounds.  Ruth and Elise were kind enough to take me to the college to look around and get a feel for the campus.  It was 98 degrees which was about thirty degrees too hot in my opinion, but all the kids were great and we had a fun time in the gardens.   I felt really good about it, so I think I'll try and figure out how to apply there and see if I'm supposed to go.  Thomas's advice was to not go because "You know why it's called BYU I Do don't you?" And maybe it's because he really just doesn't like BYU or something.  IDK though...

Sorry, my posts are always super long but I just like to be in touch with my family, even though my life is pretty boring :P love you all.  Hope you have a good week.

Hyde Park Highlights

Dad and I have been having a blast working outside! We cleaned up the grape arbor, unburied the blackberry bushes, made some changes in the "shade garden" and did basic upkeep. Dad's been trying Elise's suggestion of using vinegar on weeds. He got a little spray happy, so we now have brown, dead spots in our grass where the weeds used to be. Give it a try - it works! We had a lovely rainstorm for a couple of hours last night and our flower beds are very happy now! Our list of things to do in the yard grows ever longer and will likely never get finished, but we are loving the process!

We enjoyed going with Thomas and Victoria to the traditional scout breakfast that we've attended for a couple of decades, and to the Lewiston Parade. Emma looked quite official walking beside the band as they marched and played. And, oh, the fireworks!! Spectacular!! They have continued in our neighborhood every night this week - beginning just as we are trying to go to sleep!

Emma is the busiest person in our house, by far. She's working, doing marching band, and has endless invitations to go with friends. This week she went swimming in a reservoir in Ogden Canyon, watched movies, got kidnapped to go get shaved ice, and had a dance practice - all within a couple of days! She's on the go from morning until night. She really enjoyed spending a couple of days this week in Idaho visiting her sisters, getting her haircut and watching the amazing IF fireworks.

That's about it, besides the basic stuff - dentist appointments, visiting teaching, temple attendance, quilting, etc. Well, and I finished the Book of Mormon again. What a great book! The commentary I used had some important reminders at the end. From Ezra Taft Benson: "Every Latter-day Saint should make the study of this book a lifetime pursuit. Otherwise he is placing his soul in jeopardy and neglecting that which could give spiritual and intellectual unity to his whole life." (A Witness and a Warning, pp. 7-8.) Each time I read it I get a stronger impression of the importance of the Book of Mormon for us right now. This is a partial list by Robert Millet and Joseph McConkie of what it can help us with. They ask, "Do we desire to know how to...
- handle wayward children
- deal justly yet mercifully with transgressors
- bear pure testimony
- detect the enemies of Christ
- withstand those who seek to destroy our faith
- discern and expose secret combinations
- deal properly with persecution and anti-Mormonism
- establish Zion
- avoid priestcraft and acquire and embody charity
- have our sins remitted
- come unto Christ and be sanctified by his Spirit... [and a long, long list of things we might desire to know how to do]
If so, we must search and study the Book of Mormon. It is the most relevant and pertinent book available to mankind today."

Obviously, it's really important to study and apply what we read in the Book of Mormon. It has had a remarkable impact on my life, has literally changed the course of my life. I love it! "Too much effort has been expended over too many centuries, too much blood has been shed, too many tears have watered pillows, too many prayers have ascended to the Lord..., too great a price has been paid for the Book of Mormon record to be destroyed. Or discarded. Or ignored. No, it must not be ignored..."
Read it and live what you read!

Flake Fun

9 July 2017 - We had a really nice 4th and hope that you all did as well.  We had a neighborhood picnic and it was very nice to just sit and visit with good friends and neighbors. 

I am liking my new job and finding new adventures every day which keeps me busy. The new health director is a great guy and most of the employees really respect him.  There will be a lot of changes to the health department in the next year or so that will take getting used to but I think that almost everyone is willing to try them with a good leader at the helm.

Our house is nearly complete.  We posted it to craigslist yesterday and within a few minutes had a couple of responses.  We have a showing scheduled for tomorrow so we'll see how it goes.

Cleaning tip of the week: if you have calcium deposits or hard water deposits in your toilet that you can't scrub away, try ZEP Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner.  It is amazing and it smells pretty good.

Our garden is looking good for the most part.  The corn had a traumatic experience when a limb from the willow tree broke and toppled our woodpile right on top of our corn!  Only about a third of them got smashed. 

Well, I hope that you all have a great week!!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

I'm thinking maybe my posts won't be as long if I try to write every week...

Harts came down on Tues-Wed to help work in the yard and put the quilt back on that had to be taken down clear back in May for the Gathering. We had a blast at the garden shop, nearly purchasing one of everything, then came home and weeded, transplanted and planted new stuff until it was so dark we couldn't see. We enjoyed an outdoor viewing of several episodes of I Love Lucy that night and Elise helped me get the quilt back on the next morning. We had a very fun time and I am extremely grateful for the help.

We had a fellow come give us an estimate for some repairs and flooring. I'm hoping it will work out as a trade for part of the fee for doing a birth for them. They are nice folks and we hope he does nice work. Things might look different around here next time you come!

I helped with a bridal shower for Emily Ashcroft (who still looks like she's about 14) that was planned for outside, but ended up being a garage shower for a short time while it rained and hailed. We fasted this week for JR Allred, who had a heart valve replaced, and for Rachel Francis, a 15 year old girl in our ward who had brain surgery. They are both recovering, thanks to the faith and prayers of family and ward members.

Dad broke another tooth and is getting another crown put in. The dentist said it's just a sign of getting older, not of poor hygiene (still no fun!). I attended a birth for a mom who wasn't expecting a baby in June. She arrived 12 days early, happy and healthy. This is the second birth this month that went so quickly that no other attendants had time to arrive!

Thomas and Victoria came for dinner yesterday and we watched "A More Perfect Union." Even though it is about the constitution, it still gets us in the mood for Independence Day and helps us reflect on our wonderful country and our gratitude for the liberties and blessings we enjoy.

Happy Fireworks! Have a great week....

Sunday, July 2, 2017

...And Loving It!

Can I just say making decisions is the worst? College is scary and dating is even worse.
So, I think I need some advice from people that have gone through this whole thing before.  I'm registered for USU this fall, but I really don't want to go to USU... I'd kind of like to branch out a little and see a little more of the world... Maybe even as far as BYUI.  So, my thinking has been that maybe I'll apply to BYUI for winter/spring semesters, and just work here in Logan until then, maybe taking a couple of Bridgerland classes like sign language and such.
   I'd just like it if you'd give me some advice on what to do - stay here and do college here until my mission (I can turn in papers in February!), or maybe work for the fall, then head up to Idaho or something to branch out until my mission.  I haven't applied to BYUI, but if by some miracle I got accepted, I'd like to know what you more experienced people would do if you were me.  Mostly I just want to go on a mission but I can't until April :P

Anyway, life is good.  If all the Idahoans aren't doing anything this week, I may drop by because I don't work at all this week!! Let me know.  Love you all.  Hope you have a great week :)