Sunday, August 9, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

The rain has made things very green and cool this week. It was nice for Emma to not get scorched at marching band camp - though she is a bit darker! She had a good time, made lots of friends and was a fine example of what an excellent marcher should be. She's looking forward to the competitions and to registering for a few concurrent enrollment classes at Sky View this year.

It's been delightful to have Ruth's family and the Hart boys here for a few days this week. We went to the fair, picked berries, gathered eggs, chased Gem who decided to make a run for freedom, played games, and otherwise enjoyed ourselves. Mostly, the kids played with each other and Ruth and I tried to keep up with them.

The baby that we were waiting for clear back at the Snowflake gathering finally made his appearance yesterday morning! Nice, healthy, big boy and the family is glad he's finally here. Thanks to Ruth for being here and holding down the fort while Dad, Emma and I were gone. She should be the mother of a few extra boys since she does such a good job of it!

I think Dad's done traveling for a little while! He got home from Arizona just in time to go to Washington. Returned from there just in time to head to Provo. Got back and left for Cedar City a couple of days later. Found his way home, finally, after forging a flooded freeway and hurricane winds, then slept a few hours and headed back to Salt Lake for a wedding. He tried to mow the jungle in the back yard last night, but it was too much for the mower. He's glad to be back in the home territory.

Grandpa's news was sobering - I hope you've all read the email I forwarded to you. It makes my heart heavy, but I "have no problem with the Plan of Salvation!" He is definitely one of the most prepared people that I know. Please keep them in your prayers.

It should be a great week coming up.... Our 36th anniversary, Emerson's 6th birthday, lots of other fun things, I'm sure! Have a great week!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that the baby finally arrived and that Dad is back home!
