Sunday, August 23, 2015

Flake Fun

23 August 2015 - In looking back over the week we can't believe all that has happened! 

On Monday I got a phone call that our new freezer was in so after work we drove to Show Low to pick it up.  On the way we rounded a bend and I saw my first wild tarantula saunter across the road.  It is a little freaky to be able to be in a truck, driving at 65 mph and see (and recognize) a spider!  It gave me the heebie jeebies! 

On Tuesday Scott got together with some of the Elder's quorum to play basketball and I ran to the store for 2 pork loins since we now have room to freeze them! Oh, and the visiting neighbor boys came over to help us find tomato worms.  We found a couple of doozies and they were very excited to feed them to their grandma's chickens.

Wednesday we participated in the community clean up and irrigated our garden.

Thursday I moved offices at work which I think will be much nicer.   Walking out of work I was talking with a coworker and neither of us were paying much attention to our surroundings.  As we opened the back door and stepped outside we heard a hissing. Looking to the right we noticed a coiled and MAD snake ready to strike at us.  We both yelped and jumped. Luckily it wasn't a rattle snake but we called the people inside to let them know it was outside.  Ryan (the only guy at the office that day) escorted it away from the door hissing and striking at the broom handle.  A few minutes after I arrived home there was a knock at the door.  Ryan, the visiting neighbor boy and not the one that helped with the snake, wanted to know when we would be picking our corn!  I told him perhaps after dinner and he waited very patiently while we ate!  I ran to a scouting event right after dinner while Scott husked corn with the Ryan and his brother!  We were able to get 6 or 7 bags full which we were pretty happy with.

Friday Scott was off of work so we decided to go and chop some firewood.  If anyone needs a good workout, I have one for you!
7:30 - leave the house to drive to the ranger station to buy a wood permit.
8:30 - head up the mountain to find the wood
9:30 - find some wood.  Drag, cut, stack, repeat
12:15 - take a short lunch break
4:30 - look at the load of wood and decide it is time to go home.
5:45 - arrive home, shower, and wait for the sun to start going down to cool things off
7:30 -  Unload the truck
It was exhausting and took all day.  We were able to get a 1/2 cord.

Saturday - Repeat of Friday in the woodcutting realm. We saw some wild turkeys running around.We did get home around 3:30 and we immediately unloaded the truck instead of waiting for the sun to go down.  At 5:15 we headed to the church to help set up for the ward party.  After the party we went grocery shopping.

So that is our week in a nutshell...a fairly large nutshell!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a productive, busy week! Wish you had a picture of that tarantula so we could all get the heebie jeebies together! And snakes too! Yikes! Sounds hostile!
