Sunday, August 9, 2015

Flake Fun

9 August 2015 - Happy anniversary to the best parents ever!!

This week has been one that was out of the ordinary.  Nothing very exciting happened per say but things were just a little different.  Scott attended a business conference so he left on Wednesday morning and returned Friday night.  The conference was beneficial in that he was able to get the CPE credits he needs to maintain his license. 

On Wednesday I participated in an active shooter exercise for work.  That was quite the adventure!  I was one of 3 photographers so I got up close and personal with the action. The drill was held at the local community college.  The humorous/sad part was that the exercise coordinators must have forgotten to inform some key community members so a couple of nearby elementary and high schools went into lock down!  Luckily school wasn't in session so it was only the teachers and staff that were affected! 

We have cucumbers coming out of our ears.  I think I mentioned that I learned how to pickle last weekend.  Now I am learning how to give cucumbers away!  Luckily we have great neighbors who are willing to take the extras off of our hands!  We froze some corn from our garden for FHE on Monday.  I also experimented yesterday and froze some green beans.  This week's experiment will be freezing broccoli and maybe carrots.  Perhaps I'll just freeze them all together and make ready to go stir fry mixes...

Isn't harvest time fun?  I know that it can be time consuming, sticky and hot but it gives me a feeling of satisfaction and security.  And we feel blessed that our garden is producing so well that we can help others be prepared with stocked pantries too.

This was the weekend of fun purchases - we bought a new weed eater (we burned our old one out tackling a "wilderness" portion of our yard), an ax (since we now have a wood burning stove), a chainsaw with all the accoutrements (we just need a wood permit now) and a chest freezer (since we are quickly running out of room in our current freezer. 

Yesterday was a very productive day. I did a batch of freezer beans. Scott weed ate? eated? around the yard.  Scott split some firewood that was on the back porch.  I stacked a new load of wood blocks on the back porch.  Scott started to build the wood sides for his pickup (so we can get a bigger load of wood when we go and cut fire wood). I paid bills. 

Have a great week!

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