Friday, August 21, 2015

Nilsson News

I decided I would just post a few random stories from the week, most of them being provided by Eliza.
So, we celebrated Emerson's 6th birthday and it was most enjoyable.  Hiking, bowling, watching a movie and of course the presents were a few of the highlights.  I made a piggy bank cake since Emerson is obsessed with coins and that was a fun thing.  However, right before the cake cutting, we were singing the birthday song and getting to blow out the candles.  It was almost to the exciting climax when Eliza promptly took charge and blew out all the candles before Emerson had a chance to take a breath. I'm sure you can imagine Emerson's reaction to that, so we quickly relit the candles and this time had a successful outcome.
I just need to say a few words about our Eliza.  Don't Be Fooled!  She might seem cute and cuddly, but she is full of fire!  I was asking Eliza's nursery leader how she was doing in nursery.  Her response was, "Interesting..."  I asked her to explain.  She said Eliza just seems to have a mind of her own and lately she has taken to climbing up onto the tables and dancing on them and does not care if the leaders ask her to get down.
One time I heard quite the ruckus in the other room and went to check it out.  Not surprisingly, Eliza was in there doing some kind of treachery.  I asked her what she was doing and she responded, "I bake it into smidoweens!"
Garrett and I had the privilege (if that's what you'd call it) to go to our first Stake High Priest activity.  In case you are curious, we were the youngest ones in the room of 260 people.  As we were eating dinner, the women across the table from us asked Garrett, "Since you clearly aren't a High Priest, what are you doing here?"  Garrett replied, "Well actually, I'm a bishop."  Her face was a classic!  At the same activity, the Stake President introduced us to the General Authority who came to speak.  When he was told that Garrett was one of the bishops, he responded, "Wow!  You look like you should be chewing bubble gum and washing with Clearasil!"  In all honesty, Garrett looked at me and said, "How did he know?  I did that just today!"
I wish I had some pictures to share but I haven't figured out how to transfer them from my new phone.  Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. I have found Liza's soul mate! I was watching McKinley, a little 2 year old in our ward and thinking, 'where have I seen that determined, independent glare?' They would be the best of friends! You and her mom, Kim, could swap stories I'm sure.
