Sunday, August 16, 2015

More from Hyde Park

So, I've been thinking...
Emma does not like being alone with her parents for FHE. Who can blame her?! Well, I've been rolling an idea around in my mind today and want to run it past you all. Some families we know have monthly FHEs with their extended family, but that doesn't seem feasible for us. However, would it be possible, or desirable, for us to have an FHE with one of the married families via FaceTime or Google Hangout once or twice a month?

The idea: Connect with one family and sing together, have a prayer, share a lesson - we could tell a story as part of your lesson or we could teach a lesson and the kids could tell a story. We might even be able to play a game if it was a guessing game, like charades. We'd each have to make our own refreshments, I guess, but we could visit while eating them!

What do you think? If you'd be willing to consider it and get back to us, that would be great. If anyone wants to volunteer to test it out, let me know and we can try it and let the rest of you know how it goes. Dad thought we could even travel now and then on a Monday and bring the refreshments along. I'm not sure we'd make it to Snowflake, but we could probably get to the other families now and then!

We are just trying to figure out how to stay connected with our children and grandchildren and be part of their lives more than just occasionally. We feel like we are not succeeding like we want to in this arena and are trying to find ways to develop closer bonds. If you have other ideas you think might work better, we are open to any and all suggestions!

Can't wait to hear from you all...

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea! We'll volunteer for the first go round.
