Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hart Happenings

Here is our "blob" (what Jack calls it) contribution for the week. It has been a full and lovely summer. We got to take the boys to a Ryan Shupe concert which was delightful. Good to pass that kind of stuff on to the next generation. Speaking of which, Thomas, will you please take in the responsibility of introducing Emma to The Princess Bride? 
The bearded fellow with his hand in the air was Alex's mission companion who moved into our ward a few years ago. We love them!
The boys loved spending time with Grandma while Alex and I attended a business retreat in Park City. It was a great getaway for all of us! Thanks Mom and Dad and Ruth!

We've been taking full advantage of the long summer days playing in the parks around town, making jam, running in the rain and just enjoying each others' company. 

Alex got to go hiking with some buddies last weekend. It was so great. Most of them have gone away so it was really fun to gather the group and reconnect. We have met so many great, excellent people here and are glad those relationships continue even when the geography changes. 

A couple months ago Alex bought me a ticket to Education week which is what I got to do all last week. Alex and the boys Had a blast here at home and I was thoroughly inspired and uplifted down at BYU. Something that I really enjoyed but hadn't really expected or planned on was all the visiting that I got to do with Grandpa and Kristi, Joe and his family, Janine and her kids, and Ruth's clan. And talking to the home base people with the Mannings thrown in was a treat! It was truly delightful! We have the best family ever!
This is just a sample of how the boys enjoyed themselves while the mom was away......
It is supposed to be a video. I hope it works.  

I'm rambling, but I feel like we haven't blogged for a while. So there you have it!


  1. Great blob, Elise! I would love to visit more about your ed. week classes sometime. And I would love to see the video... I can't see how to get it to start.

  2. Love all of the pictures! Looks like you guys are taking full advantage of the last days of summer!
