Sunday, August 26, 2018

T&T in Texas

We haven't been on here for a while!  So sorry!  Life has been super weird, crazy, eventful, and stressful to the max!  For starters, I took over as the head trainer at the gym I've been working at in the sales department and I'm sooooooooo much happier now!  I get to train people all day (literally) so I'm very tired from all the early mornings and late nights, but it's great to see people begin to change their lives and experience the results they work hard for!  I've had one lady lose 17 lbs in just a couple weeks, and she is so so excited she can fit in the clothes she wants to again.  So it's been very rewarding so far. 
Tori is traveling a lot for her job and she's loving it.  It takes a lot out of her, but she also enjoys the places she gets to see when she's not working.  She recently found a great workout program called Beachbody On Demand, and she is now a coach who is building a team through social media and her own website, so it's been a really fun side hustle for her as well.  And the programs are actually really fun and intense that you can do at home. 
I'm still working on my business and will probably be traveling back to Utah every few months to work with different schools.  Thank you for all the prayers and support with this venture, it's been really stressful and tiring, but very fun and rewarding as well! 
We are looking for a new apartment that has a little more space and a few more amenities.  We've narrowed it down to three options, and we are really really interested in one, but we have to wait a couple weeks to see the apartment we're interested in, so if anyone wants to make a trip down here in the next month or so, we'll have a much bigger and nicer place to stay for ya! :)
Well, we love you and hope all is well!  It's still in the 100s here during the day, so enjoy the more chill weather for us up there! 

T&T Out!

Manning Moments

It has been a great week! We are continuing to get to know Chet and his big personality in a little body. He could win any grunting or growling competition! He wakes Nick up with his grunts in the night which is saying something for someone with one ear! I usually can't wake Nick up.
It has been interesting to try and figure out how to keep everyone alive including myself while Nick is at work. Lots trickier than it sounds. But Wesley is a very responsible two year old and he is very good with Chet so that is very nice. Wesley keeps amazing us with his brilliance. He was singing on pitch while I was playing Mary had a little lamb and Twinkle Twinkle. But I suppose every parent loves to dote on their kids!
It was delightful to have the Harts here for a couple hours. Always fascinating conversation and good times!
We have had lots of yummy food from the garden including cantaloupe and watermelon. I love this time of year!
That's all for this week.

Hart Happening

It is starting to feel like fall!  The weather is predicted to take a pretty dramatic dip tomorrow and we'll see if it'll climb back up so we can get some kind of a harvest.  Our cherry tomatoes have been abundant along with our carrots, beans, potatoes, and broccoli, but we have yet to eat a ripe watermelon, and we are just barely getting cucumbers, with the barest hints of the larger tomatoes' intentions to turn red.  The pumpkin sends his regards and has expanded his takeover to the neighbor's yard.
I was amazed when we went to Lauren's that her garden is about spent.  They are on the tail end of harvest there while I feel like we are just barely getting started!  It was so fun to spend some time with the Mannings at the beginning of the week and meet baby Chet.  They are such a lovely family! We dropped Ian off to visit an Education Week friend and he arrived at the end of our visit to the Manning and made Chet's acquaintance and finished off the Thai food we had for dinner.  We dashed off to the Hale Center Theater that night to see Newsies, which was spectacular!  The boys had a wonderful time.  Joe and Lori let us crash that night at their house which crash didn't happen until about midnight because all the cousins were having such a good time playing and the adults were chatting it up.  Sorry guys! The Sandy Bellistons live in a really ideal location.  It is close to so many things!  Alex and Ian woke up early the next morning and drove to Salt Lake to meet the other youth from our ward who had come down to meet the General Young Women's presidency and do baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple.  They really enjoyed the time there and then had fun riding some electric scooters to Joe's work and getting a tour of his studio.  Meanwhile, I enjoyed myself immensely visiting with Lori while we walked to the park and took the kids swimming at her grandma's pool.  I was inspired my my conversation with her and Ian and I are going to go off of sugar for the next week and hopefully make some better choices in our eating habits.
  On the way home, we stopped by mom and dad's house.  We caught a glimpse of dad as he rushed off to a meeting, Mom fed us a delicious dinner, and we were able to visit with a friend of ours who was staying with the parents until his apartment came available.  It was really nice to see them.  Never long enough to visit, but always good to touch base!
  We were home long enough for a garden class, cousin time with the Nilssons, some soccer practices, a playdate that included swimming at one of the local pools and playing at the splash pad, time for Alex to make some important progress on a couple of big deals he is working, and a Great Brain planning session.  The Friday morning we headed up to a friend's cabin and spent a couple days up in Island park boating and enjoying a hilarious play at the theater up there.  Peter fell off a bench and sliced his head open on the fire pit surround, so he is sporting a nice head wound.  Our friends are such generous and wonderful hosts and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  The husband is a pilot (the same one who took us for a ride in his helicopter) and was talking to me about the maneuvering speed.  I need some more clarification from dad about this idea because there is also the concept of supermaneuverability and I think that both of these have some really great gospel parallels.  It's a theory in progress and I will think on it some more and get back to you.
  The boys were beat and slept most of the way home and even when we got home we mostly just laid around recovering.  Alex and I went to the adult session of Stake Conference which is always excellent, and which were all able to enjoy this morning.
  That's it for the Harts.  Hope all is well with the rest of you.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Hart Happenings

  I blinked and another week flew by!  It was surreal to be in church again this afternoon without it seeming like there had been a week in between this and last Sunday!
  We went on a glorious bike ride this morning.  It is the only time I feel safe taking the boys around on these busy streets, they are pretty deserted on a Sunday morning.  Alex and I were repented of all the whining we did about 1:00 church.  It has been wonderful.  I'm not sure why we dreaded it so much.
  While the rest of the crew slept in this morning I listened to Rob Eaton's devotional from Education Week about the Zone of Spiritual Totality.  It is sooooo excellent.  I would highly recommend it to everyone.
  This week was full of fun! We spent Monday afternoon at the water park in Rexburg with some friends, Wednesday morning we went and picked raspberries for a couple of hours, Wednesday afternoon we celebrated Emer's birthday with the Nilssons, Friday we babysit our favorite 3-year-old, Ireland, and Saturday we attended a Spikeball (Alex's new favorite game) party hosted by some friends of ours, and took in a movie (Christopher Robin - excellent).  Full of fun.  I feel like everyone is cramming in the most fun possible before school starts!
  Jack is loving the fact that soccer has started again and Peter is anxious to get his team assembled and practicing.  He asks Alex (his coach this year) every day what the plan is and who is on the team and where they are going to practice, and he counts down the days until practice time.  Good times.
  Alex stays busy with work and all his sports he plays - racquetball, frisbee, Spikeball, and most recently, soccer.  He started playing with the husband of a friend of mine and has been enjoying that.
  All is well up here in Idaho.  And I hope it is the same for all of you in your various locales.

P.S. Ruth, I love the idea for the cookbook.

Flake Fun

We are up in a small little town called Greer, AZ to celebrate Dad Flake's 60th birthday.  All of the kids came up which has been a lot of fun.  It is nice to be away from everything and just spend quality time playing games, enjoying nature and roasting marshmallows.  Since we were gone last weekend as well, I felt like I was playing catch up all week trying to make sure that we had food on the table and clean clothes!  I'm guessing that this coming week will feel the same but I don't know that we are planning any other big trips next weekend so perhaps we'll get back to normal!

Fun story of the week.  Yesterday Scott and I took one of the four wheelers out to explore a little.  We just drove up the road, walked down a little path and then started back to the cabin.  It was barely sprinkling on the way up but about 1/4 of the way down it started raining a little harder, and then a little the time we got back we were both drenched.  I don't know how Scott could see to get us home but somehow he did!

Hope that you all have a good week!

Nilsson News

It was a Happy Birthday week for Emerson!  Wednesday morning we sent him on a treasure hunt for his presents around the yard.  His final gift was actually hidden in the garage bathroom and he was overjoyed with what he found there- a bearded dragon.  He's been a little obsessed with reptiles lately and has been begging for one so I thought a beardie was a good place to start.  Not too keen on the crickets and meal worms living in our house but so far none of them have escaped.  In the afternoon we went to Heise Hot Springs to swim and we were delighted to have the Harts join us.  We had a great time and ended the evening with a pinata smash and cake and ice cream.  I told Emerson to treasure this next year because it's his last as a single digit!
We did some more work on our pine tree stump and have just about got it taken care of.  We are trying to get a lot of areas prepped for grass seed so we can get that planted before too long.  Last but not least, we have been harvesting watermelons!  Due to the crazy weather we had at the start of the season, we didn't get as many melons as we were hoping for and they didn't get as big as we were hoping, but they sure taste delicious!  We've deemed it another experiment year and have taken melons to neighbors and friends in exchange for their honest opinions about the melons.  Next year, if all goes well we will begin the business part and try to sell a few.

 Millie loves the watermelons and this one was her favorite in particular.  She would check on it every day until it got so ripe that it split open and then we had to enjoy its sweetness.  I think the hugs made it extra sweet!

 This is like one of those spot the differences pictures.  It's quite the difference!  That trunk was a bugger to saw through.  I now have immense respect for those early settlers who had to clear the land with only brute strength and no power tools.
Have a great week all!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Manning Moments

Well this week has been great as we welcomed Chet into the world and our family has changed forever! It has been the smoothest and best transition I think anyone could have with a new baby so we feel extremely blessed!
So last Saturday, mom left in the morning to go back home after spending three days with us and helping in the yard and house. She is amazing! It seemed like a normal day and we did work outside and cleaned the house. Nick wanted to go to a spicy food restaurant to see if that would kick things into gear (I think he didn't want to go to work and have coworkers ask why he was at work! jk). So we went to our favorite Indian restaurant at 6. It was a busy place so we didn't get home until 8 but we had a great time. My back kind of hurt but not more than most days while being on my feet a lot. When we got home Nick wanted to finish a project outside and I started to get Wesley ready for bed. I realized that I had to concentrate on relaxing and that I needed to be on my hands and knees to alleviate the pain in my back. So Nick came in to put Wesley to bed and I called mom and hopped in the bath. That was at about 9:00. It took me a while to realize that I was really in labor and then I started pushing! Chet was born at 11:06 and mom walked in the door at 11:30! So it was very exciting! Nick thinks he wants to go into midhusbandry now!
So that is our story and everybody is in love with little Chet. Wesley adores him.  We are all very happy!
Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. We love you!

Nilsson News

I'm pretty positive that I have the best family in the whole world!  Reading your posts is truly inspirational.  Thanks mom for the pictures of our past.  It really doesn't seem that long ago.  I'm finally starting to realize how fast time goes by.  I was talking to a friend a few days ago while we were at the fair and she mentioned Addy and her friend Lillie being able to raise lambs together but then she mentioned that hopefully the fair wouldn't be at the same time as girls camp because both those girls will be there next summer!  Crazy!  I kind of have a hard time with things changing so drastically.  I envisioned what mom wrote about relating to dad walking off campus for the last time and how exciting/hard that would be.  Entering a new phase of life but closing the door on something your have devoted your whole life to so far.  Since mom and dad are looking for things to do in this new phase of retirement, Elise and I thought of a brilliant plan.  We thought it would be fun for mom and dad to put together a Belliston family cookbook complete with pictures and everything!  Each of us would need to submit our tried and true recipes from various categories (main dish, dessert, soup and salad, bread, etc.) and attach a picture if possible or invite mom and dad over to sample and take pictures for us.  We can also submit requests from each other if there are certain recipes we'd like to have.  Anyway, start thinking about food, food, glorious food - and how to make it.  Good idea?

We have been gearing up to start school in a couple weeks.  We are going to try a new program to supplement our homeschool called Tech Trep Academy.  It is tech and entrepreneur based and the kids seem pretty excited about it.  I feel however, that our summer has just started and now it is already winding down.  That is not right.  I would have to agree with Elise that being in the garden right now is the most enjoyable place to be.  Addy refers to it as her "Happy place."  We too have a pumpkin plant that is trying to overtake the universe.  Maybe these pumpkins are in alliance with each other!  We have harvested a handful of delicious watermelon.  Millie loves to go out there and check on the melons.  She walks by and pats them and hugs them.  I know for sure that must be the secret for adding sweetness to the fruit.  My phone is out of commission currently, but I will post some adorable pictures soon!

Like I mentioned earlier, we attended the fair this week.  It isn't much of a fair in comparison to Cache County's fair.  This one is just 4-H animal shows.  Next year they will be relocating to a brand new fairgrounds and may be holding it during the War Bonnet Roundup rodeo.  I've decided that we are going to take the plunge and let the two older kids raise a couple of lambs.  I hope it will be a good experience!

This is turning into a long essay, but I can't end before mentioning our huge project we did on Saturday.  We chopped down a ginormous blue spruce that was on the side of our house.  We had some chainsaw trouble at first and I was starting to envision having to take this tree down with a simple handsaw and some serious blood, sweat, and tears and whether or not Garrett would ever speak to me again when the Harts came to the rescue with their heavy duty chainsaw.  It worked like wonders!  We still have the big stump to tackle but I'm already enjoying the open space.  Don't tell Garrett, but we have one more blue spruce on the other side of our house that also needs to be removed but we will give it a few weeks.

Have a terrific week everyone!  Can't wait to to hear Lauren and Nick's side of the story and I'm looking forward to seeing cute baby Chet!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hart Happenings

This weekend has been pretty quiet on the home front.  All our excitement went to Joe's house.  Alex took the boys down for a spur of the moment boys' trip.  Jack and Alex went to a Real Salt Lake soccer game while Peter and Ian hung out with Joe and his kids.
Prior to that we spent a lot of time in the yard trying to wrap up some projects that we started months ago and still hadn't finished.  There is something so satisfying about seeing things through to a conclusion.
We got to hang out with cousins this week which is always fun and Ruth and I chatted about and made some plans for the upcoming school year.  I'm pretty excited!
Our ward is growing like crazy and we are frantically trying to keep up with it in Primary.  I think we've had 5 new families move in in the past 3 weeks!
The garden is a splendid place to be this time of year.  I'm convinced our pumpkin has world domination on its mind.  It is beyond vigorous and is consuming everything in its path.  Ian has measured about a foot of growth every day.  We've been eating blackberries (thanks parents) and tomatoes and peas and beans and the watermelon should be ready any day now.
We rode electric bikes the other day when we went to get our chainsaw repaired and now Alex and the boys are busy planning a new business venture bringing a fleet of electric bikes to the river.  It'll be a hit!
Life is good!  We're hoping to get down to see the Mannings sometime soon.  Can't wait to meet Chet!

North Logan Notes

I want to reassure you all that we actually celebrated our anniversary this year!! Thanks to Mike and Barb  Hammond (he was in the mission with Dad and is now his executive secretary), who provided the tickets and the transportation, we attended a musical tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber - who wrote Cats, Phantom, and other Broadway shows. We went to dinner with the Hammonds and another couple before the show and talked and laughed and ate. It was a very fun evening and perfect way to spend our anniversary. No donuts and potato chips from the grocery store this year! We really should have done this before :)  It's been a glorious 39 years! We are  already planning our big 40 year anniversary...

I came home to this beautiful bouquet on our anniversary! Dad is too good to me!

The greatest excitement since I last wrote was when little Chet Manning was born. He is a beauty and such a sweet disposition. He seems to like things just so, very much like his dad and brother :)  Wesley is a wonderful big brother and loves baby Chet. Lauren and Nick have an amazing story to tell, so give her a call so she can let you know the scoop on Chet's birth!

We continue to look for houses and for house plans. Nothing yet. Some days are discouraging, but things are going really well in all other aspects of our lives, so I do my best to not complain most of the time.

Dad is winding things up at work and will be officially done 19 days. He's getting all the computers cleaned off and stuff labeled and organized. It will be a significant day for him, and for us, when he walks off campus the last day of August.

So, I've been wanting to be more engaged in family history work and decided to do that for my GOALit challenge this time. It has really helped me get in the spirit of family history. I have been working on getting photos organized - hundreds, perhaps thousands, of them!! It's fun to look back at them and remember the fun times. Recently, I came across some pictures that caused me some reflection about firsts and lasts... I love these photos taken of our family when Elise was leaving on her mission. Our first missionary! It doesn't seem like that long ago! Emma was 2 1/2 when Elise left - and now she is on a mission. Words cannot really portray the feelings I had when I thought about those first and last missionaries and all of the happenings in between. Truly it seems to have gone by overnight, as if in a dream...

 2001 - Lauren, Elise, Ruth, Jenn

2001 - Joseph and Elise

Not the best quality photos, but you get the idea...
Have a great week, all!  Sure love each one of our sweet family! Hope to see you all soon. And, Happy Birthday to Emerson this week!!!

Flake Fun

Scott called me on Tuesday and asked if I would like to go to Tucson with him for a business conference so I made arrangements at work and we spent a very nice and relaxing 4 1/2 days in Tucson.  The weather has been quite lovely with rain nearly every evening and some overcast days.  The resort is quite nice and we have had a good time together.  It has re-affirmed in my mind that people are more important and any time that you get the chance to spend time with family, especially your spouse, you should take advantage of it.   Anyway, that is all for us this week!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Flake Fun

6 Aug 2018 - First off, congrats to the Mannings!  Can't wait to hear more about baby Chet.  I hope that Lauren is recovering and that things are going well.

Things are going pretty well in Snowflake.  It has been quite hot lately which makes sleeping uncomfortable but we are managing. 

The garden is still producing like crazy!  We are giving zucchini away on a regular basis and we have cucumbers coming out of our ears.  On Saturday night we went out to the tomato patch with our black light and located 3 big tomato worms.  NASTY!!!  The black light helps because they kind of glow so it is easier to locate them. 

A few weeks ago I put down some patches of grass seed and it is coming up!!! I am so excited!  Perhaps you remember how sad our back yard was without grass...well, it is getting a little better.

Last night we sat in an apple orchard with neighbors and chatted the evening away. It was marvelous.  Have you taken time to sit under an apple tree lately?

Hope that you all have a great week!