Sunday, August 30, 2015

Flake Fun

30 August 2015 - Where has this month gone?  There wasn't much out of the ordinary this week.  We have been harvesting a bit and filling up our new freezer.  Yesterday we froze 2 heads of broccoli from our garden.  Never done that before so we'll see how it works out.  We also froze some peaches, a chicken broccoli casserole, some chicken breasts and some pork chops. 

Tomato worms and potato beetles continue to plague our garden. Any good ideas on how to get rid of them?

Our tomatoes are starting to turn so I think in a week or so we'll have a good crop to bottle.

I think that is about it for our week!  Hope everyone had a good week and is anticipating a great upcoming week! 


  1. A solution to the peas in your garden? Maybe you could borrow a couple of chickens for the weekend.

  2. I have a friend who just picks the worms and beetles off her plants and squashes them - with her fingers!!! Well, not always the worms... I like the chicken idea better, but they tend to scratch up the plants as well as eat the bugs.

    Also, Christy Curtis told me that she freezes her tomatoes. She leaves the skins on, quarters them and sticks them in bags. She likes them better than bottled ones and they take much less time. I'm not sure I'd like the skins in my soups/sauces, but maybe it would be okay. Hooray for your new freezer!! Don't know if I could live without ours :)
