Sunday, August 23, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

Yesterday Dad and I attended a funeral. On the way home we stopped at the farmer's market to see if anyone was selling corn. We found a family from Benson who had lots of yummy produce. They have 20 acres of vegetables! We decided to forego other plans for the day and freeze some corn and bought 15 dozen ears.

2:21 - Began husking corn
4:30 - I go inside to finish defrosting and reorganizing the freezer, make dinner; Dad and            Emma keep husking
5:25 - Dinner is ready, freezer is clean, corn is all husked
6:45 - Emma has gone to a band performance, Dad and I begin blanching, cutting and bagging corn
8:45 - Corn is all in the freezer (29 quart size bags) and the garage is all cleaned up

I have included the details so you can appreciate what comes next.....  We are offering a free traveling corn-freezing service to any family who wants to freeze some corn! We would bring our cache cooker, pots, bowls, knives, and our handy-dandy homemade corn cutting table to your home and provide the team work to get the job accomplished in no time! You provide the corn, freezer bags, water, and time to visit and play with the children! You probably won't want to do 15 dozen ears, so it would go much faster. Dad likes to have one bag of corn per week for a year's supply, but since we usually only use half a bag per meal these days, we figure we have about a year's supply with our 29 bags. We saved a dozen for eating fresh from the cob, so we froze 14 dozen ears. That info is to help you calculate how much you might want to get. Let us know when you want the Belliston Corn-Freezing Traveling Service to come to your house!!  (Emma would prefer to have families come here so she can participate! And that would be absolutely fine as well!)

Congratulations to Eliza who has been a successful potty-trainee this week, and to her mother for her successful potty-training!! What a nice day that is in the life of a mother - especially with other diapers to change.

Emma's glad to be back at school and Thomas is looking forward to starting next week. Lauren and Nick are ... well, I'm not sure if they are anticipating or dragging their feet, but they'll be starting next week, too. Dad's gearing up for the return of students and I'm trying to hold it all together. Isn't the adventure great??!!

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