Sunday, August 16, 2015

Happy (kind of) in Hyde Park

From my journal entry today:
"Well, I am winning the award for the worst Belliston grandma ever. Not only did I forget the twins birthday this year, I also got mixed up on the dates for Grace's performance in 'James and the Giant Peach' in Springville this week. I'm so embarrassed, not to mention frustrated and angry at myself for doing such a dumb thing. The worst part is, there is no way to make it up to her. It's done and over and I missed it. I hope she, and her parents, can forgive me."

Urrrrgggh! I have no idea why my brain waves won't reach as far as Springville... I do hope the Joe and Lori Belliston crew will still talk to me and let me in next time I make it down there! I am very sorry. I was really looking forward to seeing her theatre debut.

Last Sunday, Thomas came home early from church because his back was hurting so much he couldn't sit any longer. He threw up as soon as he got home. Then his head began to ache. I put some oils on his head and stomach that night, which took the headache and stomach ache away, but when he got up the next morning, his neck was swollen and sore and he couldn't swallow. Now, you know Thomas is sick when he doesn't go to his mandatory Big Blue practice or to his coaching job. He stayed in bed until I could get him to the doctor. The diagnosis was a raging case of tonsillitis and he was told to go home and gargle with salt water. Miserable. He went back to bed until he had to go to Pickleville (there is no substitute for Chester the monkey) and Dad had to drive him there because he couldn't turn his head. Anyway, we nursed him for the better part of the week with salt water, herbs and vitamins. Yesterday he reported feeling 87% better.

The lawn was very long when Dad returned from Cedar City, but when he tried to mow, it was too much for the poor lawn mower and it gave up the ghost. He purchased a new one and was getting used to it yesterday. The yard now looks like someone lives here and cares about it. It's just a bit dry. Our air conditioner also decided to take a break as the temperature increased this week. It's as hot inside as it is outside, so I may have to come visit someone who has air conditioning...

Emma is done with band practices until after school starts (which happens to be this Thursday), so she has lots of plans for her spare time for the next few days. Thomas' Pickleville schedule is easing up, so he has a little more time, too. I've got most of the babies here that I've been waiting for so now maybe we can get some of the unfinished projects done that we've had to keep postponing!

Happy week to all! Please accept my apologies if I've forgotten or misunderstood important events in your lives. I do love you all very much and am trying to get my brain to function better. Thanks for your patience and forgiveness.

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