Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hart Happenings

Fun week!  Monday and Tuesday were spent putting. Our house back together after the reunion. I swear we basically packed everything we owned in that van! Wednesday we decided to join the ranks of true Idahoans who make pilgrimages to the mountains every summer to pick huckleberries which are basically Idaho's version of a blueberry, but smaller. We took a friend again on Thursday and she was convinced that we should have had more to show for our efforts by the time we were done but the tiny little berries don't look like much. We're going to comine them with our raspberries to make some jam. 

Wednesday night Ian and I went to a benefit sing off to raise funds for the domestic violence center here. There were some amazing participants including a little 8 year old girl who opened her mouth and blew our socks off! The winner gets to go to Nashville and record with a producer back there. Needless to say, Ian was inspired and wants to give it a go next year. 

The boys have been participating in the summer reading program hosted by our local library and one of their prizes was tickets to the minor league baseball game here in town. We usually go once a year and have a blast! This year was no different! Why can you eat a hot dog at a baseball game and feel American when at all other times they gross you out? 

Go Chukkars!

The raspberries are going strong, the flowers are blooming like crazy, what more can you ask for? This is the life!

Have a lovely week everyone!


  1. Maybe we ought to try huckleberrying before we decide whether or not to move to Idaho! Let us know next time around and we'll try to join you :)

  2. "We were...berry picking. The strawberries had turned blue!" Sounds like a fun adventure!

  3. Which movie was that from, Jenn? Sound of Music, wasn't it? Great times... :-)
