Sunday, August 2, 2015

Manning Musings

Finally we made it on the blog! Sundays just like to slip through our fingers and I always regret that I haven't posted on the blog. But no regrets today baby! The significant news of the week was going down to Layton and Kaysville to spend time with the Mannings and specifically to watch Jason Budge at the Thrive Life Convention. Some of you may know about Thrive Life but it is a company that Jason started (Nick's brother-in-law). It is a food/food storage company that provides freeze dried foods that can be stored for 25 years and then rehydrated and they taste like the fresh food! We tried their snack foods that are healthy, blueberries, peaches, milk and cheese. Pretty cool! We are pretty interested in looking into it a little more. After the convention Nick and I went to Hogle Zoo because we have been wanting to go for a while. It was a great time to go because the animals seemed unusually active. The giraffes were running, the zebras kicking and biting each other, and the gorilla, seals, rhinos, polar bear, wolf, and tiger were all so close to the glass we could've touched most of them! It was a great day at the zoo! On Wednesday, Nick injured his back while riding his bike to teach guitar. He has been a little stiff but is doing much better and has been a trooper! We look forward to a fantastic week!


  1. Glad you made it to the blog! The other day I received a piece of junk mail addressed to Lauren Belliston! Ever wonder how the postal system works and where the information comes from! Glad Nick's back is feeling better. Sore backs make life hard.

  2. Welcome to "the blob" as Jack calls it. So fun to hear about your goings on. Hope Nick's back gets better.

  3. At Relief Society last month, one sister brought some freeze-dried Thrive pineapple - oh my goodness! So yummy! Fun thing to look into...
    Happy to see you found how to get on this delightful blogging (blobbing) adventure!
