Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

Well, strange things have been happening in our kitchen this week. Lauren was here helping make dinner the other night. I was making some guacamole to put on our taco salad. It was a bit thick, so I was stirring it with a spoon and turning the blender off and on. I guess I turned on the blender before the spoon was out of the way - or something, because all of a sudden there was a noise, then a big hole in the side of the blender and guacamole spurting out all over the place!! It got all over Lauren, me, the rug, the floor... Chester just stared at us for a moment, then ran under the table. It was crazy!

Then today I was getting dinner ready and had opened a can of tomato sauce to use in the sloppy joes and left it on the counter. I got the watermelon out to cut up and kind of plunked it on the counter. I didn't think it plunked too hard, but it sent the open can of tomato sauce flying and it looked like a repeat of the guacamole incident, only in red instead of green (and no Lauren this time)!! Crazy again!

Dad enjoyed his week in Washington state and got home just in time to pack and head to Provo. We had a great time at the reunion there, with your grandpa, aunts and uncles, and cousins. We played some old games to bring back memories, some new games for fun, had lots of good food, watched old movies and shared memories. It was delightful all around. Joe, Lori and their kiddos came, and Emma. Wish you could all have been there.

Although there are surely more adventures ahead, I must say I'm glad to be home for a few days. (Dad's headed to Cedar City on Wednesday for his annual pilgrimage there, then he might like staying home for a short time, too.)  Anyone who is ready to brave more travel is welcome to come join me as I stick around here for a little while : )

Hip Hooray and many thanks again to the Flakes for such a wonderful gathering experience, small town style. Next time we're there for Pioneer Day, I'd love to go on the tour of the old homes in the town and see Scott's team win the softball championship! It was so great to be together with all of you. Isn't family the best thing ever?!

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