Sunday, January 1, 2017

Manning Musings

Happy New Year! Time just flies by. This past year has kind of been an unusual and life changing one for me but it has been very educational and wonderful too! Christmas was so great this year. We spent Christmas Eve down with the Manning family and then came back that night so that Nick could play in the Christmas program at church. We spent most of the day at our apartment and then took an hour trying to jump start our car and dig it out of the snow so we could go the Belliston parents' home. It was delightful to see Jenn and Scott and they were Wesley's favorite. Speaking of Wesley, he is about as close to not crawling as can be without actually crawling. Any day now but I don't think I am ready to baby proof the house!
This past month I reread the book In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. It has always been an inspiring read but it was more so this time and I have been thinking a lot about what it means to follow Jesus' steps. The great thing about being a member of the church is that we have already covenanted to do that and we have the gift of the Holy Ghost to help us but I know that for me I don't always see it that way. It is a pretty daunting idea to always ask "What would Jesus do?" and then follow the best you know how. But I am going to try it out this year and see if I can remember longer than next week!
Can't wait to see you all again! I hope it is sooner than later!

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