Monday, January 9, 2017

2016 Predictions

Well, I found most of the predictions.  I'm pretty sure Joe, Lori, Emma and Thomas made some predictions, but they are not with the rest, so we'll have to see if we can jog their memories. Some of these predictions sound like hopes, but some were right on!

Elise:  Joe goes solo - leaves BYU; Ruth and Garrett will move
Alex:  New baby for Elise
Ian:  Jenn have a baby; New prophet
Jack:  Ian will lose his ipod
Ruth:  Emma finishes American School; Jack will lose another tooth; Garrett starts PhD at USU
Lauren: Thomas and Ruth will have a major life change; Harts will be expecting a new addition; Ruth and Garrett will be teaching Primary in a new ward; A new apostle; Nick will student teach seminary
Nick:  Mannings will have a baby boy; Jim will have to make room for another ward in his building; Sky View will beat American Fork in band; New prophet; Harts have a new house
Mom:  Dad will still work at USU and we will still live in Hyde Park
Dad: Brother Hales will pass away

** Looks like I'm the only one who got 100%!!  But that wasn't a real difficult prediction, so it doesn't count...  Elise and Nick and Lauren get points for hitting a few unknowns right on the head!  We will think of a prize to award them :)

?? What are your predictions for 2017 ??

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