Sunday, January 22, 2017

Help Wanted

Thank you for playing Belliston Balderdash!  It looks like Ruth and Emerson were the winners, so they will get a prize sometime soon.  The "Mado is da mom" quote is from Cars 2.  Jake loves quoting the movie and singing the theme song.

Not much has happened this week.  It snowed some more and the kids have had fun making snowmen, and sledding down the neighbors driveway.  We had a pizza party last night to celebrate the kids going to bed on time all week, and the stayed up until 11:30.  We were quickly reminded why we have tried so hard to get them to bed at 8:30.  All the kids are asleep now except for Jake and his loud mouth.  I think it's time to move bedrooms around.  Jake and Joy don't argue when it's time for bed, but they spend about an hour playing and laughing.  The other night they were laughing a little more than usual so I went in to see what was happening.  They were both drenched from head to toe from drinking their water and spitting it all over each other.  Maybe we will put the boys and the girls together and see how that goes.

Thanks to Ruth for convincing us not to remodel.  Thanks to Jenn for the recipe.

I think Emma should definitely come down south for the summer.  Maybe she could be an EFY counselor.  Or I know someone who would pay a pretty penny (really, a nice shiny 2017 penny) for someone to help clean the house, weed the garden, go grocery shopping, play with the kids, and help with the new baby in July.  And I've been told there are lots of nice boys around as well.  Zach, Austin, Wesley, Adam, John, and Mr. Darcy would all love to get to know Emma I'm sure.  We have a nice guest room in the basement.  It looks a lot like a living room but don't be fooled...It has a blow up mattress and a ping pong table.  Definitely a guest room.

Well now that we've taken ourselves out of the running, maybe Idaho isn't so bad. 

Love you all!