Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hello Family!  It's be a while since we had time on a Sunday evening that lasted long enough to post on the blog, so I made a commitment this morning that I would write something regardless of how late we got home from the fireside.  It's not very late yet, so here's our two bits of news...

First off, Jenn, Dad says you should spread your ashes on the snow and watch it melt. I told him you don't have enough snow, so he'd like you to send us your ashes for us to spread on the snow in our yard!  He also recommended taking the 8mm videos to Walmart or Costco or Walgreens and be done with it.  Apparently they do a good job and it doesn't take long.  Just an idea.

Speaking of Dad, he climbed on the roof yesterday and tried to unburden it from all the snow up there.  He clomped around for a long time and pushed a lot of snow off on to the already very high piles of snow on the ground.  He has sore arm and back muscles today...

Gem is getting accustomed to being in the house for short periods of time and to sleeping in the garage.  She has run away many times since Christmas, so we've had to keep her in the garage all the time, which has been good during our subzero days.  Dad has tried to fix the place where she's been getting out, but she just keeps climbing the door no matter what he does to prevent it.  Chester isn't so sure about having her in the house and tries to bite her when she comes in.

Emma sang a beautiful arrangement of Beautiful Savior/If the Savior Stood Beside Me in Sacrament Meeting today with Linsey Pedersen.  It was very lovely.  They harmonize and balance well.  She's working diligently on her algebra and has a tutor help her once a week.  I think it's going to work out great.  She'll only have geometry left after that, and then she'll be finished with American School.  She is getting very excited to go to Washington in April.

I finished a quilt for Elise's boys this week and am still waiting to two moms to have babies.  Hopefully that happens soon so I can turn my full attention to Ruth!

We attended a wonderful fireside tonight with Elder Wilford Anderson.  He spoke to the YSA members about acquiring "head knowledge, heart knowledge and soul knowledge." It was excellent. It was nice that the high school seniors were invited, so Emma went and we were all edified.

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