Sunday, January 22, 2017

Nilsson News

I can't remember what I wrote about the last time but we have been in the midst of remodel chaos.  The plumber finally finished things up.  It is amazing how grateful you become for everyday conveniences when they are broken.  We were without our upstairs bathroom for two days because the toilet flange was completely deteriorated and leaking into the basement.  It required that we install a new toilet and that was not in the plan.  It also required new pipes downstairs and that wasn't in the plan.  It was adventurous to have to get shoes on and coats to go to the bathroom in the garage.  Almost like we were camping.  Our upstairs master bathroom was not available to use because we had to gut it because of leaks and moldy floors.  Not in the plan.  So, when you are remodeling anything plan to spend an extra $1500 on the things you don't plan on doing.  Garrett has been doing great at becoming an electrician.  Tomorrow he will be a drywaller and next week a tiler.  A lot has been done but there is still a lot to do before we have a baby join the family.
Eliza right now is is talking my ear off and reminding me off how large my tummy is getting.  You gotta love how truthful kids are.  Henry is letting us know that he is almost two.  He has taken to screeching these days and it is most unpleasant.  Luckily, he can talk pretty well so we try to remind him to use his calm voice and words.  Emerson has become super intrigued with weapons and wants us to help him melt down some metal to help him make some swords.  Any ideas on how to do that?  Addy is getting ready for some dance and piano competitions.  Life is going well.
I liked Jenn's idea about having Emma work someplace near her siblings.  I think her marching band career has been good but it is time to move on?  D.I. is always hiring (wink, wink).
Love you all and hope you are surviving this winter weather!

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