Sunday, January 15, 2017

...And Loving It!

Okay, so the title is actually true this time around.  Most of the time it's just an oxymoron or something because I'm actually not loving it... but that's beside the point.  Anyway...
   May I just say I've got the best siblings in the entire world?? Y'all are the greatest! Thanks for all the great texts this week!
    So State for We The People was this week! It was super fun.  I totally botched one of the answers (and yes, I'm still bitter about it), but we still won.  All the units did super good.  Just to give you a clue as to what we nerds do, we spend about ten hours a week outside of school in our units (there's six of them, we're number five), and we research stuff that has to do with one of our three questions.  Unit 5 deals with what rights the Bill of Rights protects, so this time around we had questions regarding Free Speech in school, Search and Seizure in a technological world, and Freedom to Peaceably Assemble.  We wrote three, two and a half page papers for each of the subjects, memorize it, then answer random questions about it.  You must take about 3 minutes and forty five seconds to do your memorized paper, then you put all your stuff away and the judges ask you questions for six minutes.  We prepared three papers, but you only get to do one at state, and you don't know what that is until you're there, ready to begin.  So basically you have to be really on your toes (something I'm not, but hey).  So I really wanted the judges to ask us to do our assembly paper, but they hate me, so they chose Search and Seizure, my least favorite... Oh well.  The judges were actually judges and lawyers and stuff so you can't just make up words.  So we did our paper and then put all the stuff away and they asked questions.  Super easy questions.  I was really nervous so my answers weren't exactly coherent, but that's alright.  When we got done, they left to go have a meeting with the other judges and decide scores and such.  Every unit gets a score out of 180 based on a simple grading sheet, like when they answered, did they have a case? A case is anything from using the Constitution to an actual court case, or a quote from a famous dead guy.  I didn't think we did very well so I was pretty upset, but I guess it wasn't too bad because U5 got a perfect score... The only perfect score.... So yep.  180/180.  We're kind of cool.  It was really fun and we all got medals and the other teams hated us because we worked harder than them.  Ya snooze ya lose. It was kind of nice to be hated for once... I mean in band we all hated AF but now I know how they feel and it's great.  Well.  I know I sound a bit cocky, but don't y'all worry.  It was really my colleague Carter who saved us.  The kid is a genius and he's going to Harvard.  It does worry me though when the average ACT score for our class is a 33..... Awkward.  I'm obviously in the wrong place, but it's cool to rub shoulders with some really really brilliant people.
   Just want a few ideas from my equally brilliant siblings (and nieces and nephews).  I have a "job" for the summer with the marching band.  Here's the thing.  I'm not overly excited for it.  I'll be making an average of about .40 cents an hour, which comes to about $3,000 by the end of the summer.  Add that up and that equals a freaking ton of hours.  I'm the only one on staff as of now that actually knows how to march and set drill, and create visuals... Which means I do everything because the rest of the staff are percussionists and they don't know how to march and do cool stuff.  Well anyway, I feel bad leaving them in such a lurch, and I'd hoped to come around and visit all you guys.  So, here's my quandary.  I'd have a good time doing it because I'd be helping them out, but I don't know if I want to put in the time.  Hmm. Yes, I have a problem.  If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear it! also sorry my posts are so long... I love to ramble.  Love you all!
This is my unit ^ and below is the team.  Rigby is our coach and he's amazing.


  1. Seeing as how the band scene was never really your favorite I would decline the job. Pleasantly and respectfully of course. Sometimes it's a good lesson to learn how to say no, thank you. Just a thought....

  2. Also, as for you not knowing as much as your "brilliant" peers, I just listened to a great BYU devotional called "The Power of Not Knowing", which makes me think that maybe you might have been the key to your team's success. Even though I think you're pretty genius too. Sister bias....
