Sunday, January 8, 2017

Flake Fun

8 Jan 2017 - It is hard to get back into the groove of things after a couple weeks of vacations, holidays and the like but we eased back into the work life this week without too many bumps and bruises.  

The weather has been chilly with little to no sunshine and some bitter winds but nothing compared to Idaho so who can complain?  Ruth, you guys are welcome any time.  Today was about 50 and the low last night was about 34.  Come on down!  That goes for anyone else that is tired of the cold weather up north.  I can't promise sunshine but we do have a nice wood stove that has kept us comfy.

We ordered seeds for the garden which was fun...or at least will be when the come!  It won't be too long before we can start them in our greenhouse. 

The highlight of this week was finding a package on our porch on Tuesday that contained the fixed piano peddles!  The piano is now fixed and sounds wonderful!!!  Thanks to Dad and Mom for getting those fixed and surprising us with a belated Christmas gift.  

We are excited to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel get bigger!!!!

Laundry Room = Complete!

Back bedrooms = Complete

Master/Living room = Complete

In 2-3 days this will be a new concrete countertop for the basement bathroom.

We are hoping to get the house posted by the end of next week.  It is livable but the clean up has to happen and a couple of other minor things.  So look for the official good news next Sunday! 


  1. 50 degrees? FIFTY DEGREES??? That's pretty much a tropical heat wave. The boys think the house is looking great! Good work guys! Thanks for inspiring me to get my seeds ordered. No greenhouse here, but I know a gal.......

  2. Wow! What a remarkable change! It looks terrific! I will love to see it when I come to enjoy your lovely weather...
