Sunday, January 1, 2017

Flake Fun

1 January 2017 - Happy New Year everyone!  I hope that you all had a fantastic first day of the new year.  It rained here quite a bit which is a good thing for the coming summer.    It was so fun to see most of you over Christmas and to have a white Christmas.  It has been quite a while since we saw one of those. 

We have gotten back into the groove of the house again so we are slowing getting things done there.  Hopefully we'll have it finished in the next couple of weeks but who knows for sure.

Today I was called as the relief society communications secretary...not really sure what that means but I'm up for it.

We still haven't quite recovered from our trip and the house is a mess but all in good time, right?

Well, not much to report but hope that everyone has a good first week of a good new year!   Lauren, thanks for the reminder to read that book again and focus on what is really important.  I feel like I have been coasting, kind of lost the last few years trying to find my place in this whole scheme of things.  Although I haven't really found that place yet, I am going to work on it this year and focus on finding myself again and firming my feet on the rock of Christ.

I love you all and miss you like crazy...more than you know.

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