Sunday, January 15, 2017

Flake Fun

15 January 2017 - It has been overcast and chilly this week.  I say that with the utmost respect to those of you who are experiencing actual cold and not just chilly conditions.  I believe our coldest day was upper 30's to low 40's.  We have gotten some very nice rain the last couple of days though.

WE POSTED OUR HOUSE!!!  That is right, it officially on the market for renters! As with any house, there are still things that we can do but it is livable and everything seems to be functioning!  YAY!! Now all we need are some good renters and we'll be in business.

Scott was released today as they organized a new Elders Quorum presidency.  I still don't have any idea what being the communications secretary means but some day I'll find out I'm sure!

Joe, I have to admit that I wasn't familiar with all of your terms but I did know some of them. 

The most interesting meal that we had this week was stuffed tomatoes.  Similar to stuffed peppers but in a tomato.  It was quite tasty.

Anyway, that is about all for now.  Hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the Flakes! What a long project this has been for you! To have your house listed for rent is a great accomplishment. As soon as it's rented, we'll head down for the party! :) Good work!!
