Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hart Happenings

Greetings everyone!  Welcome to 2017.  I need practice writing and typing that.  2017 2017 2017 2017.
I personally think it is going to be a great year.  Is it time for our predictions yet?  We'll get our soothsaying hats on and see what we can come up with.
Our big project this past week was painting Ian's room.  He was tired of being surrounded by flesh colored walls and so he chose a gray that he loved and we all attacked his walls.  It was super quick and looks really, really nice.  The trim part wasn't so quick, but he persevered and it looks so clean and fresh now we all like to go in there.
We've mostly been watching snow fall and the temperature drop, so not much playing outside going on.
Alex and I attended our first water/irrigation meeting.  Looks like there will be lots to go around.
We decided to pitch our vacation rental idea to the wedding industry and spent our weekend at the local bridal fair.  The concept was really well received and we're thinking it will provide a nice service for those brides who have guests coming from out of town.  It was a little surreal to be back in that environment but not with the bridal shop.  So much of the first years of our marriage was spent in that arena.  Alex kept remarking how glad he was that we are not in retail anymore.  AGREED!
We had a really fun art class with Ruth this week.  The boys learned all about lines and creating 3 dimensions out of all kinds of lines.  It was kind of like magic.
This new year will bring lots of projects.  Alex has some he wants to work on, I have a list, the boys keep reminding me of things they want to do, so hopefully we will be able to find the time to get all those done!
Speaking of time....I watched a really great TED talk on time management.  The speaker had an unexpected way of looking at managing our time.  Check it out!
I also stayed up way too late the other night watching a Netflix documentary called Minimalism.  It was fascinating!  If any of you watch it, let me know, because I'm dying to discuss it with someone.

Sounds like things are well with you guys!  Hope that is true and we really hope to see you all soon!

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