Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy, though cold, in Hyde Park

Cold isn't really the word... Freezing? Frigid? Bitter? Frosty? Icy? Arctic?  You get the idea. Very, very cold.  We brought Gem into the garage, where she hung out for several days and nights. It was much warmer in there with a little space heater going, even though the water in her bowl still froze solid! I didn't see the chickens out for a few days, but when I went out to feed them yesterday they were out under the coop clucking and pecking around.  I am really amazed that they didn't all freeze solid! Like Ruth, we felt it was rather a relief when temperatures got above 0 degrees today!

The students were supposed to return to school on Tuesday, which they did. Then Wednesday, due to heavy snow, they were told to not arrive at school until two hours past the usual starting time. And that was it for this week. Only 1.5 days - no more school due to extreme temperatures and icy road conditions. But Emma did plenty of studying at home. Her state competition for "We the People" is tomorrow. If successful, they will be going to a national competition  in Washington, D.C. sometime in March, I believe. She has worked long and hard and she hopes her efforts, and those of her teammates, will pay off.

My resolution to get more exercise this year was realized this week by shoveling snow and shoveling more snow. Actually, Dad did most of it, but I did help.  My other resolution to get more rest and go to bed earlier was realized by getting sick and feeling like it was bedtime at 8:00 p.m.  It's not much of a peaceful rest, though, when you're coughing and blowing your nose all night!  Things are looking up, however.  My nose is still attached, which was has been a concern, and my throat and ears are not as painful as they have been.  I am on the mend!  I even attended Sacrament Meeting today, which always helps with the healing process.

We had a lovely holiday time and were so grateful to see all of our family sometime during the Christmas break.  It was a blessing to have Jenn and Scott here. Emma was especially delighted to have them come.  Lauren and Wesley spent the better part of one day here so he could get familiar with Auntie Jenn and Uncle Scott.  He did eventually warm up to them.  Thomas and Victoria came for dinner on Christmas Eve and then for a while on Christmas Day and it's always delightful when they are here.  Joe and Lori's family came the day after Christmas and got in on Hyde Park's free ice skating night.  They stayed for a little while the next morning before loading up to head to the cabin at Bear Lake.  Then we drove up to Idaho for a day of fun with family and thoroughly enjoyed visiting at the Harts home and having dinner at the Nilssons.  So, our holiday was complete!  Thanks to everyone for making it so wonderful!

Emma and her friends had a wonderful experience with her Christmas for the needy this year.  Again inviting donations from neighbors and ward members, she was overwhelmed by their response this year.  The needs were greater than ever in Angela (Aschcroft) Hansen's ward that now has a number of refugee families living there, as well as many, many families in need of space heaters and warm blankets to help them stay warm in this weather.  In the end, the girls had over $1500 to spend on 7 families and 2 single adults!  They purchased heaters, blankets, food, clothing, diapers, paint supplies, toys and other necessities.  It was truly amazing!  Jenn and Lauren helped with wrapping. Scott and dad loaded it all up to take over to Angela's house.  It was a team effort of love.

I was impressed this year again with how contagious kindness is.  When I went to the paint store to get paint for a man in Angela's ward who was trying to improve his living conditions, the man who was helping me asked if it was for some kind of service project.  I told him it was and that the person we were trying to help had stopped smoking a few years ago, but there were still nicotine stains and smoke smells and he was trying to get things cleaned up, but couldn't afford to do it himself.  The man said, "Well, I'm going to give you the contractor's discount since you are doing such a nice thing for someone else."  It was a substantial discount on the supplies, but provided a great increase on the feeling of goodness of people.  I think it's "what Jesus would do," and I, like Lauren and Jenn have mentioned, hope to have similar opportunities daily this year!

Lots of plans for the new year....  New flooring upstairs, painting downstairs, lawn in the back yard, livingroom blinds, garage side doors, some fun vacations, reading great books, etc., etc.  We'll see how much of it actually gets done!  But it's fun to plan and hope and dream! That never gets old!

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