Sunday, January 29, 2017

Nilsson News

The news for the week is that we finally finished our upstairs bathroom!!!!  It should not have taken as long as it did especially considering the fact that it is only a 5x4 space.  We would almost be finished and then realize we bought the wrong part or run into a random stud that really wasn't supposed to be in the wall.  We are becoming one with the folks at Lowes.  This coming week, Garrett's dad is going to come up (he is now retired and is in need of some projects) and we hope to make some major progress in the basement.  We shouldn't run into any hidden studs because they are all exposed downstairs.
The older kids and I had a really fun field trip to the local glass blower.  The Hart's came, along with two other families.  I had no idea that blowing glass was so scientific.  During the day this guy works as a scientific glass blower making experimental tubes and containers for the national science lab and then in the evening he is an artistic glass blower.  Very fascinating!
We are about two weeks out from having any new additions to the family, the farm family that is.  In our direct family it is probably 5, 6, maybe 7 weeks out (sigh).  Eliza likes to tell me the different positions of the baby.  She will pat my tummy and say "That's its leg and that is its arm and that is the other arm."  It is very interesting to see what positions this baby can get itself into according to Eliza's expertise.  Let's just hope it doesn't stay that way!
Henry found his shovel yesterday and was quite perturbed that he couldn't find any dirt to go along with it.  I tried to explain that all the dirt is buried under the snow but that did not make him any happier.  We may need to visit Jenn and Scott soon because it sounds like they may have a lesser amount of snow.  If Henry can't find any dirt to play in there, I'm sure he'd be content to play in their ashes.  Save those for your garden by the way!
I have done a lot of rambling but hope all is well for each of you!
I have some pictures to upload but they are being slow.  Hopefully I will get them up before the day is over.

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