Sunday, January 29, 2017

Flake Fun

29 January 2017 -  First off, congrats to Joe and Lori on their news!  We are always excited to have new family members joining the family!

This week has been fairly normal.  We got some snow on Monday but not a whole ton.  Then the temperatures dropped quite a bit!  I don't think we have let the fire go out for the past 2 weeks which means that the ashes are piling up to the point we almost can't get wood in!  Not really but there are a lot of ashes!

We got an email yesterday from a lady that is interested in the house so we'll see if that pans out or not.  It has been too cold to do any yard work there so I hope that doesn't repel prospective renters! 

On Wednesday we took some time off to go snowboarding but the universe was against us so we never got there.  But we did have a good day together. 

Golly, when I start writing out our lives, I realize we are pretty boring!  Other than being at work that is about all we did!  Oh, we did some organizing in the basement and stumbled across some more family relics which is always exciting.  I am trying to figure out how to digitize the old 8mm tapes that we found. It would be so fun to see what is on them! 

Anyway, I hope that you all have a great week!

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