Sunday, December 18, 2016

Flake Fun

18 Dec 2016 - Can you believe that Christmas is only a week away?  Crazy!  For some reason the holidays snuck up on us faster this year than before. 

The last three weeks have been fairly normal as far as working and remodeling.  We are getting close on the house but haven't had quite a much time recently to work on it with holiday parties and things.

Yesterday we went down to Mesa to help Nathan and his family move which was an adventure!  There is always more stuff than you think there will be and it was their first time moving so they were learning the ropes!  It is a cute little place that they have purchased and they seem to like it.  We ended the day with a surprise birthday party for Papa who turned 85!  It was fun to see some of the family for an hour or so. 

We are trying to wrap things up here so we can get up to Utah for a couple of days.  It won't be very many days but we are hoping for some quality time, even if the quantity isn't an option! 

Love you all!!!

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