Sunday, February 5, 2017

Hart Happenings

Hello there beloved ones!
  All is well up here in Idaho.  We are currently undergoing a late January thaw and feel like we have a new lease on life.  Things were getting pretty grim with the subzero temperatures and dark skies for weeks and weeks.  I have never been so glad to hear a steady drip, drip, drip.
  We have tried to stay busy with different activities and projects to keep our minds off the winter.  The boys had a good time at iJump with their homeschool group, science class at the library, lots of play time with cousins (Ruth truly saved our sanity), celebrating Eliza's birthday, and making some good progress on our playroom/library.  I'll post pictures soon hopefully.  I think you'll all be a little surprised.  It's a pretty bold and dramatic departure from my go-to neutral, soothing palette, but I LOVE it!
  We are getting more acquainted with people in our ward.  They are all sooooo nice, but it's just a totally different dynamic.
  Alex has been super wrapped up in work recently, trying to negotiate with the city on behalf of short-term vacation rentals.  It's been quite the on-going conversation.  We have had a lot of support and we sure appreciate you guys filling out surveys and such.  It has been a great thing for our family and we hope that we can find a way to keep it going here in Idaho Falls.
  Alex and I have been trying to be more intentional as parents these days and sometimes it provides some serious entertainment.  Peter is especially funny.  This morning he called me in to snuggle with him because he wasn't quite ready to get out of bed yet and spent the next 10 minutes trying to convince me to let him skip Sacrament Meeting and just go straight to Primary, because Sacrament "is sooo long."  He has unfortunately also taken to subterfuge to get what he wants.  He was supposed to finish his salad before he had any frozen mangoes and he told me he had so he got the mangoes, but then I found his unfinished bowl of salad tucked away in a cupboard a couple of days later we realized we had been duped!  Alex about went through the roof and asked him why he had lied and Peter said it was because he wanted the mangoes.  I was talking to Peter about it the next morning and explaining how important it was so make good choices and his face lit up with a revelation and he said, "Mom! I totally forgot about Choose the Right! I am going to remember to do what Jesus wants me to."  He still forgets sometimes but is pretty good about catching himself and correcting it now.  Such a funny boy.
  The boys and Alex had an epic snowball fight yesterday.  There was a lot of yelling and falling in the snow.  I'm not sure how many snowballs actually hit their targets, but much fun was had.
  The high priests in the ward have started these dinner groups where 4-5 couples meet for dinner and get to know each other.  We attended our first one last night.  It was great, but Alex and I walked out commenting how all of those people had lived two of our lifetimes.  You wouldn't believe some of the stories they could tell, and they just kept coming...... Super fun though!
  The boys are doing well.  I think they've mostly settled in, although Peter keeps asking when we will be going back to our house with the upstairs.
  Well, I'm going to sign off now.  Hope all is well with you.
  Lauren, we've been doing some really yummy pitas these day.  I like to throw everything in a big bowl, chop it all up add some dressing and stuff the pitas.  Some favorite combos include:
 - bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheddar (no sauce on this one, just spread mayo and mustard on the pita, then stuff)
- vegetarian: lettuce, peppers, avocado, shredded carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, favorite dressing or just lime juice with salt and pepper then spread hummus on the pita and stuff
- teriyaki chicken: lettuce, shredded cabbage, thinly sliced red onion, mandarin oranges, sliced almonds, teriyaki sauce
The possibilities are endless!
We also had some delicious fajitas the other day from  Seriously, sooo good!


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