Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nilsson News

We had a most amazing Stake Conference!  I have given up trying to take notes when I have little people to look out for so I was doing my best trying to take mental notes.  My mental capacity was fried up during the first three talks!  So much was said of faith, missionary work and having the guidance of the Spirit in our lives.  Elder Warner of the Seventy and his wife, were attending our conference.  My favorite talk was by Sister Warner.  She was explaining how in London when you are getting on and off the subway, there is a message that comes over the speakers that says, "Mind the gap."  This is to warn people to pay attention to the gap between the subway and the platform.  She related this to the own gaps in our lives; ones that may be confusing and prohibit us from getting from where we are to where we want to be.  She kept emphasizing the importance to pay attention to them, learn to embrace them and not fear them.  They are there for a reason that we may not understand, but when we look at them from the grand view of heaven, they will appear only as a mere fissure.  Her experience with this was when she was wanting to be married and it just wasn't happening.  She began to think that perhaps it wouldn't happen in this life.  Finally, she met someone in her ward that just so happened to be the boy who grew up across the street from her.  She said, "You may be wondering why I hadn't paid attention to him until now.  Well let's talk of a literal gap.  When I was leaving for college, he was just starting first grade!"  Anyway, she was 37 and he was 25 when they got married.  Now she understands and embraces that gap.
Another thing I took away from our conference was to not make a "big deal" out of things.  Not many things in life are "big deal" so stop making the small things into a "big deal."  My life has been reformed and now I just need to make it apparent!

We enjoyed a visit from Emma and Grandma this week which was a welcome delight.  Emma needed to go shopping for some things, so I took her to the mall.  Let's just say that when you take one person that is not good at shopping and combine her with another person that claims to be unsuccessful, you pretty much get a disappointing result.  We at least had a fun time together!  Anyone up for Black Friday shopping?  If you don't want to find anything, come join me!
On Friday, we had a birthday party for Hyrum and Joseph.  Garrett had to preside at a funeral the whole morning, which was a little challenging for him, but we got to spend the evening together.  Balloons, pie and ice cream and singing all made it great.
We are looking forward to next week with all of you!  I have to apologize to Ian though.  We don't get around to watching very many Studio C episodes (okay, truth be told, we don't ever watch it. Please don't disown us!) so we hoped it would be okay if we made up a skit of our own?  It won't be as entertaining as a Studio C production I'm sure, but hopefully you can be kind enough to endure it with us.  See you all soon!
p.s. I think Garrett said he was wanting to bring yams and marshmallows for his in-law contribution to the meal.


  1. Thanks for inspiring me, Ruthie. My goal for the week: don't make a big deal out of little things! Just what I needed to hear :)

  2. Thanks for inspiring me, Ruthie. My goal for the week: don't make a big deal out of little things! Just what I needed to hear :)
