Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hart Happenings

Weeks like this make me really grateful for the good health we normally enjoy in our family. Each of the boys took a turn with a flu-like bug that took them down for about 2 days each. Then came the aftermath grumpiness for a few days after that but I think we are now all in the mend. 
Alex and I got away for the weekend which was really fun. We spent a couple hours at Lava Hot Springs and then stayed in a really cool hotel that one of Alex's friends owns. The boys stayed at home with the daughter of one of my friends and had a great time. 
Everything up here froze too so I try to avoid looking out the window these days. The snow will come eventually and cover things up, but right now everything just looks so desolate. 
Things are going really well right now for Alex in all of his business ventures and it's really rewarding to see some of his hard work and efforts paying off.
Halloween was a riot! We went to the ward trunk or treat and then some friends of our came over to trick or treat around the neighborhood. We kept collecting random friends as we walked around. Our neighbors joined the party and then our old bishop and two of his kids hooked up with us. The weather was perfect and no one got cold. My favorite part was wathching Peter try to give the people who gave him candy and piece of his in return. Then he would holler "Happy Halloween!" and jump of the porch and run to the next house with his Batman cape flapping behind him. Good times.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. 

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