Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hart Happenings

Life goes on here in Idaho. Some weeks you enjoy just the usual, nothing out of the ordinary. And that was this week for us. Nice and slow and laid back. We went to the library, had a friend over for dinner, spent some time in the yard, trimmed trees at the mall, and house hunted. The latest place we're drooling over is on 17 acres with an incredible view of the mountains and.....wait for it.....the cemetery. Yes. That's right. 
We are in the middle of football mania here and can I just say how great it is to have a Jack that understands football and loves watching it with his dad? I'm now absolved of all the guilt I used experience when I didn't get all jazzed to watch football with Alex. Thanks goodness for sons. And it is really fun to watch them cheering and high-fiving each other from the comfort of my reading chair and a good book. 
Jack thinks that you should all know about the white cat who sometimes changes color depending on the spray paint available to his owners that moved in across the street. It has taken to leaving dead mice in our yard. Sweet thing. 
I don't know if I'm the only one, but with the onset of this cold weather the baking bug has hit hard here. Currently we have a batch of molasses cookies on the counter and a pan of brownies in the oven which follows on the heels of homemade macaroni and cheese. Comfort food season, y'all! But it is wreaking havoc on the family challenge, I must say. 
A highlight of our week was a trip to the local bowling alley to play darts. It was intense. Peter led the whole way by a pretty hefty margin, but then Jack came from behind and swept us all! Hysterical game! Good times. 
Glad to hear Eliza has migrated from the couch and has resumed some of her normal activity. 
We are counting down the days to Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see all of you! Peter has big plans for himself and Joe.

Quote of the week from Peter: "Mom! I found a balloon in my bum! It's magic!"
Context: while getting dressed that morning he had lost the balloon he was playing with and when he ran in to use the potty and pulled down his pants, there it was! He had made it disappear and then reappear!

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