Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hyde Park Happenings

Thank you all for coming! I know it's tight, and thanks for putting up with the crunched quarters! It was great to see everyone taking care of everybody else's children! You guys are just so great!
          Thomas gave a wonderful talk in his YSA ward on Family History and Temple Work.  Then he and Emma sang in our ward.  Lauren wasn't feeling well so Sister Bennett saved the day and accompanied them at the last minute!
          We're getting excited for our Christmas gathering which we will be letting you know more about within this week.  We'll let you know the where, when, how, why, how long, who, etc etc etc.
          Thanks for doing the music.  It's always so good to here and Emma absolutely loves it when she gets to sing with her siblings.  Thanks again for putting up with the very small space:) we really love it when you come! Dad liked the food, visiting, football, and of course ping pong (I don't think he'd like it so much if he'd lost;) Mom's favorite parts were holding babies (no shortage there!), playing heads up seven up (?), pie night, oh and the cousins Christmas Concert! It was awesome!

Note from Em (cuz I didn't want to write one by myself): Thanks for coming everybody! Skits were super duper fun! Y'all did so good! The food was awesome and I loved having you guys here! Thanks for putting up with me sometimes! You guys are pretty much my favorite ever! Come again, okay? I kinda like that;) I liked pretty much basically all of it! Black Friday shopping was awesome, pie night, games, putting kids to sleep etc etc etc;)

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