Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

There is always much happiness in Hyde Park when we have visitors!  We were tickled, delighted, thrilled, pleased, etc., etc., to have Joe, Lori and little ones here.  What a busy family this is - times two!!  These four little people are always on the go!  I was amazed all over again at the dedication of the incredible parents and their ability to keep up with the constant movement, demands and chatter of four energetic little busy bodies, especially with as little sleep as they get night after night!  I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be.  But we had a very fun time while they were here.  I particularly enjoyed watching Jake and Joy play in the flour drawer and chase Chester around.  They had a blast playing tug-of-war with Chester.  It was hilarious!  I will try to post pictures later.  Joseph taught Lauren's classes, and did a mighty fine job of it I'm told.  Dad got to listen to both sessions and Lori attended in the afternoon while I drove four sleeping children around the valley.  I was supposed to take them home to play, but they all fell asleep, so I just kept driving.... :)

We were sad that the Hart boys couldn't join us this weekend due to a stomach bug that joined their family.  Ruth's family couldn't come either because they had company and were working on their new bathroom.  Grace was sorely disappointed to not see cousins.  We will definitely have to set up a cousins play date very soon.

Thomas and Victoria have set a tentative date, or time frame, for their marriage.  The last weekend in February - the week before spring break at USU.  It may change, but for now you can put that in the back of your minds for planning purposes.

Emma returned from her marching band competition in St. George at 6:00 this morning, after traveling all night long on a bus.  They did well and received a music caption award and 2nd place overall out of lots (I can't remember exactly how many) of bands from various states.  It was a great experience, but now she's sad that it's all over.  She'll miss her friends and the time she got to spend with them.

We (Dad, really) have been picking more apples and have our applesauce work cut out for us.  There are countless boxes of apples in the garage that we have got to get to one of these days. If anyone is needing a fun activity, you can always come and help make applesauce!  It makes for good memories...

I have fallen very far behind on the family challenge this week.  It's hard to get to bed on time and to get exercising in when we have company - but I wouldn't trade that for anything!  I will just have to re-double my efforts this week so that Alex doesn't get too far ahead of me.  I've given up trying to catch up with Ruth and Elise.

Dad has his stake conference coming up in a couple of weeks.  He's quite stressed about it and could use some extra prayers.  He hopes it will be a very uplifting and inspiring conference for the members of his stake and will open their minds to a higher purpose on the Sabbath day and more intentional living of the Gospel.

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