Sunday, November 15, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

Well, Dad's stake conference went well yesterday and today - good spirit, good speakers, good messages. One thing that was said struck me: "Good is the enemy of great." Interesting statement. So, I guess I should say that the spirit, speakers and messages at the conference were Great!  Those meetings are truly uplifting and motivating.  We just hope the "water got to the end of the row," so to speak.  We hope hearts were touched and members were inspired to go and do.  I was!

I enjoyed a day in Idaho Falls, spending time with our favorite Harts.  They ended up with an appointment to show their house, so we had to make ourselves scarce.  The fellows endured spending time at the mall shopping with Elise and me.  They are such good sports.  We also looked at some property that they are interested in. We'll have to see what happens with that.

We are so glad Eliza is feeling somewhat better.  Wish the same was true for Lauren. Well, I guess she's feeling somewhat better, most of the time, but when she has a bad day, it's really, really bad. We keep hoping things will improve.  The bad days are getting farther apart, which is nice. Hope they completely disappear sooner than later!

Every time I talk with someone in the family, they ask what we are doing for Thanksgiving. I hope we figure that out really soon :)  Watch for an email about what to plan on. I hope to send it out in a day or two.  Just so you know, Jeremy Carlsen and his family may also be here, and possibly Grandpa and Christie.  We've looked at using Dad's church to have our dinner at, but it's reserved so we are trying to find some other options. Someone suggested setting up tables in the garage, but it's mighty cold out there!  We'll figure it out and let you know soon.  If nothing else, we'll be thankful and we'll be together! Only 10 days or so....

I've been memorizing the Sermon on the Mount for the Family Challenge - well, the first part of it, Matthew 5.  I continue to be impressed with the things the Lord wants us to focus on in our lives and how He looks for ways to bless us. Truly incredible. Watch for that in your own life. It makes a real difference.

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