Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nilsson News

I was going to edit my last post when we were informed that the doctor had misdiagnosed Eliza's kidney infection.  She did not have a kidney infection and that would explain why she wasn't responding to the antibiotics.  She had what was called adenovirus which is very similar to influenza and sticks around for a good, long ten days.  Anyway, what really matters is that Eliza is doing much better.  We all survived her bout of grumpyitis and we are smiling.

Speaking of Eliza...I was able to substitute in primary today.  Our ward does something where they ease the kids graduating from nursery into primary.  They start bringing the "moonbeams" into singing/sharing time a little at a time.  Well, Eliza was called on to pick something out of the bag during sharing time.  She grinned when she pulled it out.  Most of the kids looked puzzled and asked what it was.  Eliza with a little giggle that suggested, "doesn't everyone know what this is," said, "It's a pomogwanate."  I have to say it was pretty adorable.  She has a new love for these fall fruits.

Well, progress is slowly being made on the bathroom.  I just discovered how much Garrett despises projects.  He took this training and test that evaluates a persons's abilities and their strongpoints.  Well, he doesn't just not like projects a little bit, it is like a hiss and a byword to him!  I never knew because he never complains.  And I am such a project person!  Opposites definitely attract but it is crazy how that works.  Anyway, I'm happy to report that all the walls are up and now we just need a door...and tape and mud, and paint and tile, and a faucet and then I think it will be done!  I'm realizing how controlling of a person I am and that I need to just be grateful for the help we get even if it isn't up to my standard.  Sometimes I think it would be so much easier if I didn't have an opinion about things.

I'm looking forward to the Thanksgiving break with all of you wonderful people.  We won't be able to come up until Thursday because Garrett's family will all be at our house for Thanksgiving.  Everyone baled on going down to St. George, so they are coming here.  It's a good thing I'm such a spontaneous person;)

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