Monday, November 23, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

Apples, tomatoes (spaghetti sauce), making a video for RS, calling people for a RS program, finishing my very involved research project, lots of prenatal/postpartum visits, and battling a silly headache for several days consumed the week.  All are finished, except the apples, and we are ready to get ready for the BIG day (weekend)!

Emma's date turned out well, despite her off-the-charts stress level (or maybe because of her stress level). I think they all had a great time! It's so satisfying to see the caliber of friends our children choose. I've very grateful for that. Not a worry at all to leave them here for a few minutes so Dad and I could go to Lauren's and Nick's for dinner. They very graciously invited us when I told them we were going out somewhere since our kitchen had been taken over and there was no food for us! We enjoyed a very yummy dinner with them and some inspiring conversation. Lauren is looking more robust all the time and seems to be feeling sick less often. How nice! She even played racquetball the other day and has been using the little trampoline.

On to a few days of trying to get the house ready and loose ends tied up before you all get here. Which I am looking forward to more than anyone else!!!  Happy Thanksgiving to us all!!

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