Sunday, November 1, 2015

Flake Fun

1 Nov 2015 - It was fun to be able to drive to work nearly every day this week with Scott.  We are still working out the kinks of the schedule but I think it is going to be great in the long run. 

We officially received the keys to our new house and got all of the utilities transferred into our name.  We bought paint, some light fixtures and new locks for the doors and now we just need to figure out what else needs to be done before we can rent it out.

This weekend was a fun one.  We helped TJ and Kim grout their house (pour cement into the block foundation wall) on Friday morning.  Then we ran some errands and were able to get some things done.  We went out for dinner at a really fun BBQ place called Grumpy Jakes.  Oh, and we bought an engine for the tiller so hopefully we'll get that put together and get it running. 
On Saturday we went back to TJ & Kim's to help lay floor joists.  We got there at 9:00AM and left at 5:30PM.  It was a long day but so much was accomplished.  It has been a while since I did that much physical labor!  The joists are now in and about 1/4 of the subfloor panels were put into place.   Then we went to the annual 4th ward Halloween Chili Cook-off.  Nathan brought his family up for Halloween.  Baby Kaitlyn is getting really big.

The weather has turned beautiful but it froze hard on Friday night.  Our last tomato plant is toast! We are pretty pleased with the harvest that we got though.

Hope that you all enjoyed an extra hour of sleep this morning!  Now we are all on the same time!  

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