Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hart Happenings

Happy Stake Conference day! I know it was for us and Dad and Mom anyway. The president of the Idaho Falls temple spoke (how would you like to be the president of a temple whose use is "temporarily discontinued"?) He talked about how they had to dismantle and pack up all of the chandeliers. The one in the Celestial Room alone had 23,000 individual crystals that they removed, cleaned, and packed individually. Any that had been chipped were set aside and labeled so they could be replaced and the new ones could be placed exactly where they belonged. Sheesh! He then challenged us, while the temple is closed, to take inventory of our lives, piece by piece, clean it up, and set aside any parts that are chipped or damaged, and put it back together in better condition. I thought it was a unique illustration of a really great principle. We have another year to work on it before our temple is rededicated, so we're going to get cracking. C. Scott Grow was our visiting authority and he spoke for the majority of the meeting about pretty much whatever came into his head. It was delightful and quite inspiring. Ian, Alex, and I all sang in the choir which is always a great experience. Ian especially enjoyed himself. He says it was awesome!
We spent a lot of time this week out at a property that we actually made an offer on. Yikes! Yay! Yikes/Yay! It's kind of scary and exciting all at the same time.We should  hear back from them by tomorrow night. So next week's post could contain thrilling news or absolutley nothing. We're on tenterhooks here!
It was so fun to have mom come up on Wednesday. We can never quite get enough of our wonderful grandma! It was nice to have some fun girl time getting her hair done and shopping and the boys loved a rousing late-night game of musical chairs. She said she hasn't slept as well as she did that night for a long time. That's what three boys will do for you!
The kids got to play with their friends while their dad was at the priesthood leadership meeting last night. It is such a blessing to have good friends!
We enjoyed some good outdoor time this week too. The weather in the latter part of the week cleared up and the sun warmed us nicely so we explored a new park and revisited some old favorites. I can handle Novembers like this!
Hope all is well with the rest of you! We're huge fans of this big, crazy family of ours!

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