Sunday, November 22, 2015

Em's Exciting Existence

Remind me I never want to plan a girls choice dance ever again in my life.  It was fun but golly moses, I was nervous nothing would work out! So, we went up to Idaho to get our tree for our day date! How cool is that? mom came up with that! She's awesome! You really should've seen their faces when I suggested we go hunt christmas trees.... That was a very new experience for all of them! Harley Cragun is one of my most favorite people ever! She took Nathan Hunzinger and I took Devin Potts (one of the redhead bunch;) It was a good thing Harley and I didn't go alone.  We had no clue of direction in the snow and mountains but the boys got us out all right! We got a really large tree, about twelve feet tall maybe but we cut it in half so that we could fit it in Harley's truck.  It's a very nice tree and we all smelled like evergreen for the rest of the day:) It was awesome! then we just had some hot chocolate (also mom's brilliantness coming into play) and chatted for a long time.  Then we loaded back up and drove back to our house.  We proceeded to make crepes (again, thanks be to wonderful mothers who relive their daughters extreme stress by setting the table, getting fresh fruit and fancy juice) and they were wonderful! We made a double batch and gobbled all of it! then we cleaned up and listened to music.  We chopped of the very top of our tree so there was a little tree left over from that, and we took it to Harley's house.  We decorated it with homemade decorations and took it to Mr. Geddes's house (he's the favorite teacher at SV and he teaches Psych) and doorbell ditched it.  It was legit cuz I was the getaway driver and we peeled out and went screeching down the subdevision (don't worry, we didn't really peel out and go screeching, but it sounds better that way).  Then we went to Harley's house again and decided to culture me with a bit of Star Wars which was AWESOME! Although my favorite character died super unexpectedly, it was great! I'm real upset about that actually but I'll get over it.... someday.  Anyway, remind me not to be home late ever again because getting the look from dad is absolutely the worst ever.  Yep, bad idea.  Y'all know what I'm talking about don't you? I hope I'm not the only child that's got that look before....
Well, love you all and can't wait to see you guys super soon! Tell Gracie that it's fine and she can totally sleep in my room again! ;)

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