Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hart Happenings

Well, we didn't get that house. I guess the cemetery district wanted it too and it's hard to outbid an entity that has unlimited cash at its disposal. Alas. This house finding thing is quite the process. It was nice to talk to Joe about it and realize that they looked for about 8 months before coming across the place they're in now. I just get impatient. 
It snowed this week. For real! The boys had fun playing in the snow with the neighbor boys.
Ian sang at the Festival of Trees which is a fun local even organized to benefit adults with disabilities. Different businesses decorate Christmas trees and donate them and then people can buy them for their personal Christmas tree. They are all GORGEOUS!
We hosted our Super Saturday at the church this past weekend which was fun. I made rice bags for all the kids. So now there are enough to go around and I can have mine back!
We toured Albertson's with our homeschooling group on Friday morning which was really fun. But one our best friends texted while we were there that she had gotten into a crash on their way to the field trip! We went out to visit them afterward and everyone was okay but that first snow storm of the season always does a number on drivers as we try to remember the driving in icy conditions rules. 
We also had a great time doing Thanksgiving crafts with our neighbors on Wednesday. The projects turned out so cute! I never do that kind of stuff with the boys so it was extra fun. 
We're super excited for this week! Can't wait to see you all!

Hot chocolate season is here! It is Peter's preferred beverage these days. 

Jack lost a tooth too!

Although you can't tell it from his face, Peter was thrilled to see Santa ("Ho-ho") at the Festival of Trees. 

Peter trying to get his hair to lay down flat. 
And that is our silly, lovely life. 

1 comment:

  1. I just love those boys!! I hope you're planning to bring some of your cute decorations for Thanksgiving! What a great project :)
