Sunday, November 22, 2015

Manning Musings

Well, the semester is getting to crunch time! Nick is super busy but always cheerful about it and he has been able to play in some fun concerts lately. I am learning what a skill it is to write a good test! I think I worry about my students' grades more than they do!
But life is great and we are looking forward to Thanksgiving this week! Can't wait to see all of you!
Nick had the opportunity to teach a seminary class for a day a couple weeks ago. It was a good experience and we are waiting for the next phase which is teaching for one week. It is an exciting time!
Today in church was our primary program. We have such a fun dynamic in our ward because the Young Men/Young Women and the primary combine with the Spanish ward and the Chinese branch that are in our building. So there were a ton of primary kids but it was a great Spirit and lots to smile and laugh about.
That is about it for now! See you all soon!

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