Sunday, November 8, 2015

Flake Fun

8 Nov 2015 -  On Tuesday evening it was really windy and moments after I started dinner, the power went out.  We waited a few minutes and the lights were still out so we lit our stove with a match and ate burritos by candle light. The power stayed out for the next hour or so but it was fun.  Then, the next evening it snowed!  We woke up to 1/4 inch of snow which disappeared quickly but was snow nevertheless!

On Thursday night we went to inspect our new house (Lovelake) and I learned that temporary renters don't feel an obligation to keep the home clean since they are not the ones personally losing a deposit.  I spent Friday morning de-junking the house and now I think we can get started on the repairs that need to be done before we can rent it again. 

Saturday we filled nail holes at Lovelake (Emma, I missed your expertise!) and took a general look around the house to finalize what projects needed to be done.  In the afternoon we went to help TJ and Kim on their house.  It is coming together.  They now have 5 walls up and are hoping to get the rest of them up and the roof on by Wednesday.

We just got back from a wonderful regional conference.  Elder Lynn Robbin's talk really hit home to me.  It was about the joy of simplicity.  Elder Oaks was in attendance and Elder Robbins explained that when Elder Oaks calls a new stake president he tells them that while Satan most likely won't have success in getting him to commit horrible sin, he will most likely have success at getting him to becoming too busy.  "The one thing that money can't buy is time." I thought about that and the need that I have for slowing down. It was satisfying to think that while we could have spent the whole day at Lovelake, we had the time to help out a neighbor with something that is. perhaps, more important.   That was my pondering for the day. 

Love you all.  Glad that little miss Liza is feeling better. See you in a few weeks!  Oh, does anyone want some decorative cactus plants?  We found a whole bushel of them in the backyard! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to say nay on the cactus plants, cute as they may be! I appreciate your thoughts on simplifying. It's an on-going challenge, isn't it?
