Monday, April 30, 2018

Flake Fun

I read through your posts and feel like our weeks are so boring!  But, boring or not, here is our report.  Our garden is finally starting to sprout and we are pretty excited about it.  We have lettuce, spinach, carrots, broccoli and some cover crop outside.  The greenhouse has tomatoes and peppers sprouting and almost ready for transplanting to bigger pots.  We also have a rogue onion that decided to finally emerge after a year or two! And we planted some turnips on a very hard spot of ground to see if we can break is up at all.  We'll see!  Scott has been learning a bit about no-till gardening and we may try our hand at it next year. 

We did some branding on Saturday which was fun.  One of Scott's 7-year old second cousins came with us and she was a hoot!  She was quite concerned for the calves and didn't like the smell of the branding but she was a trooper and helped out. 

On Friday night we had a couple of other second cousins come visit and that was also really fun.  They are 11 year old twins and kept us laughing the whole time they were here.  When their dad came to get them they ran away & he stayed and played games and chatted with us for about an hour! Good times.

I think that's about it for us.  We are excited to see everyone in a couple of weeks! 

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