Sunday, April 29, 2018

...And Loving It

What's up what's up what's up?? How's it going family? Anything crazy happening?

Crazy thought - I leave in 16 days! How cool is that?? I finally have my flight inventory and everything, so I fly out of SLC to Mexico on the 15 of May at 9:37 AM! Woot woot! It'll be great! I'm taking all the advice I can get so if you have any more, send it my way :)

Hey y'all, thanks for all the birthday wishes! They were awesome.  Also, happy 2nd birthday to Wesley! I heard he got some pretty legit "baketeball" stuff so I'm sure he's happy about that :) My birthday was pretty great.  Mom took me out to breakfast, then I went to Olive Garden with my roommate and some friends, then me and the girls went and got pedicures! Sista's, we've got to go get pedicures! I love them so much! Overall it was a pretty great day until we played Secret Hitler and I lost :( Jk jk jk, it was great ;)

This past week was dead week and it's now my favorite week of the school year.  SO nice.  Except I still had tests so that wasn't so great.  But I think I'm passing all my classes so that's a blessing! This weekend, I saw Infinity War and it was............ UGH if I say anything then I'll spoil it all.  Let's just say it made me super mad and it's in two parts so I won't be able to see it until I get home.  Alex and Thomas, don't you dare spoil it for me while I'm gone.

On Wednesday, I had a great conversation with an institute teacher, Brother Winward, about my mission.  I mean, most of you have served missions, so I hope you remember that it can be pretty nerve wracking to go! I'm super excited but it's still kind of scary.  Mostly I'm just concerned that I won't live up to expectation and that would be super super awful.  Anyway, he gave me a book by Sheri Dew titled "Amazed by Grace." I'm sure most of you have read it, but if not, you should! It's so great! I feel like we talk about grace a lot, and some people make it more complicated than it needs to be.  One thing Sister Dew says is that grace "is never dormant.  It is not suddenly unleashed when we sin or need help."  That reminded me of what President Monson said about Heavenly Father's love.  He said something to the effect that though we may not feel that we deserve His love or presence, it is simply always there.  It's also the same idea of the Atonement and repentance.  Christ has already paid the price for our sins; it's already been done.  Anyway, it's so great and the gospel is amazing.  You all have at least 7 years of experience on me, so just let me know your thoughts and such.  Love you all.  Hope you have a great week.

Also, sorry for the super annoyingly long post.  My bad.

1 comment:

  1. Not annoying at all! Keep those thoughts coming. So excited for you sis! It'll be great. My thought to take with you is to be the best version of yourself every day and let your companion be the best version of herself, not what you think the best version of herself would be.
