Sunday, April 22, 2018

HP HQ Highlights

Today I had a few mini-meltdowns. Seems I couldn't control my sudden weeping moments. They just came, uninvited and unexpected. I will blame most of that on lack of sleep due to allergies that keep me up much of the night. I suppose most of the distress came because of the realization that not only is Dad retiring soon, and not only are we moving to who knows where, and not only is Emma (our baby) leaving for a year and a half, but they are all happening simultaneously - and 2/3 are happening without our planning for them. Makes for some excitement and anticipation, but today it only made for some fairly melancholy feelings.

We are still driving around every day to look at homes and lots for sale and for places to rent. We think we may have a rental lined up. We just have to check out the particulars. Whether we build or buy, we will likely need to rent for a short time (or perhaps a long time). That takes up several hours some days. But we are also cleaning things out and getting rid of some stuff, packing other stuff. It is a big, big job to clean out and pare down 30 years of accumulated belongings. Thank goodness I'm not a "keeper" of lots of things. But I have kept more than I thought!

The weather is delightful and Dad spent yesterday mowing and tilling and I weeded a bit in the front. It feels good to be outside without a jacket. It's just a teaser, I'm sure, but we are enjoying it!

Plans are brewing for our Gathering! Please let us know when you plan to arrive and leave so we can pack the activities into the time when most of us will be here. You won't want to miss some of what is on the schedule.... :)

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